Tuesday, February 16, 2010
8:20 AM
Monday, February 15, 2010
I don't think I'll be updating this blog regularly anymore. Well, maybe when I get my personal internet connection. Otherwise rl takes priority over anything in webspace. Especially now when I'm involved in so many stuff.
I hope I have time
*cross fingers*
(Mr. Tan even suggested me to join both netball and ODAC. Impossible la!)
Things I signed up for:
2. House comm
3. Netball
4. Light think
5. Cinderella: The Musical
Deadlines coming up
1. 22/2 - File check on PW
2. 26/2 - Chem Video Production Proposal
and the teachers expect us to prepare for tutorials BEFORE tutorials. do they think we have 30 hours a day or smth??? *dies*
8:40 AM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
8:24 AM
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's been forever since I last updated.
BUT! For valid reasons, considering my internet connection kinda died on me and I'm just waiting to get my own personal line.
As of now, I'm really pissed off because it seemed that my fiddling with the proxies had made my safari impenetrable to all websites of which require secure connections. Like email accounts and stuff. So I actually have to use firefox, which I'm not exactly thrilled in doing.
And oh, MY DAD GOT A NEW CAR. Okay, so he got an old new car, which means he bought it off his friend; but it's bloody cool looking. Which also means that the Proton, despite its old ricketiness; is MINE. =D How many people can say they have their own car even before they officially have their own driving license???
I have quite a lot of stuff to blog about, but I shall start with the most recent stuff; lest I forget. Instead, I'm just going to list down some stuff that happened, so that in future, when I have more time and patience, I might write them down. =D
4. Mass dance!
5. AWESOME!Class
6. New!FRIENDS *****
9. CCAs: Housecomm, netball, ODAC, etccc..
I totally love Victoria. SERIOUSLY. No way shall I ever regret going to VJC. EVER EVER EVER.
ANYWAY. I almost died yesterday. FIRSTLY. I was accepted into Netball, something that I thought was totally unexpected since I had totally ZERO experience. And when I got in, they were like, "Oh, juniors we're going to do 2.4km." And I was like, oh shit. And then they said. "By the way, you can't pass 15 minutes." And I was then like, oh bloody hell.
Okay, so; I usually complete 2.4 before 15 - BUT I haven't ran since Sec 4 NAFA. Which was one year ago. Soooo I ran, and managed to finish at about 14 mins. AND THEN there were drills and sets and all the hellish stuff sports people go through but somehow never manage to complain about for some godforsaken reason. Granted, it was also the fact that the Netball team had a new coach; and she was trying to change the exercise regime such that even the seniors were pooped.
THE VERY NEXT DAY. Third period PE. Which was another 2.4 km accompanied with two sets of starjumps, sit ups and push ups. >_
Teh awesomeness!
Shall update more next time.
PPS: *dreads V-day*
12:33 PM
Today is my first day at Victoria Hall. Sounds awesome already, doesn't it? (in the most sarcastic way possible) Considering how similar it seems phonetically to the awe-inspiring Parry Hall, it is much much different. Sure, Parry Hall beats VH in such that it actually possesses a gym, an amazing feat indeed. However, it must be noted that Parry Hall does not have a normal human sized table, a shelf, proper sized rooms, and best of all; their own personal toilet per room. Or so I thought.
Because later on, I realised personal toilets aren't that fun.
Especially when your roomies don't lean towards to hygiene freak type.
My parents were horrified when they first saw the toilet. I was, kinda. But considering I was expecting something a little similar it wasn't too bad. Still, it was enough to spur me on a shopping trip to Giant (Parkway, wor) to get gloves, a brush, the cool spraying disinfectant thinghy and assorted other cleaning materials.
Fun, right.
In particular the scrubbing the toilet bowl stuff, when you see icky stuff getting stuck into your brush and you don't actually want to know what exactly they are.
But the people! (excluding a certain minority) They are fantastic fantastic fantastic so far. I mean, I met quite a few people that I never expected to see; which is super cool. And so far, we seem to click? I hope. Teh love!
You should have seriously seen me before I went to the boarding school. I was like this heap of shivering mass of nervous wreck. I couldn't like act naturally when I went to XMS to see all the teachers. I WAS SO FREAKED OUT because this time I really didn't know anyone at all.
I mean, scholars. Since I'm staying in that particular boarding school for two years.
But but! It was okay la, the seniors so far all super friendly. Problem is, I can't exactly remember their names - a problem I always have at new places. I'm in the process of memorizing some people's names by keying their numbers into my phones though... Working semi-well?
(bt i dun really like my orientation. i pthink. BUT MY LEADER IS SUPER COOL. =D)
12:32 PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tomorrow going to school early tomorrow morning so that I can see all the teachers, which I actually haven't seen since I got my results. Kinda sad actually, and was feeling kinda ungrateful-ish considering that they've did so much to motivate and help me along throughout the years (two). If by some chance I get into VJC, I'll probably not going to have the chance to go back to school as often cause it's so far away unless of course it's gonna be some event like Homecoming day or something.
Which would be kinda annoying.
Because everybody is like going to crowd in school during those times, making it impossible to have any quality time whatsoever with any of the teachers.
It's also kinda convenient considering I can actually get my appeal form if I'm really desperate to get into my school of choice, which I seriously doubt I will.
0800 Hours tomorrow!
11:30 PM
Monday, January 25, 2010
I think.
I am.
Very disappointed.
Because for some reason, my method of escape isn't very effective.
I feel very dead now.
I shall try to feel better by thinking that things might look up.
5:02 PM
Discussed a bit on university of choice.
Ben Oh leaving KL to go to UK to study F&B management in Birmingham soon... And it's privately funded, so he needs a part time job; considering his boarding fees already reach about 2000 pounds per year. It just seems so real, now; that uni is lurking and I have to decide whether I really am serious about what I'm doing.
Because I haven't been.
I mean, compared to some; I might seem the straight-laced mugger - but really, I'm not. I don't put as much effort into studying as I do in other realms of interest. Heck, I might be more determined in doodling than in hitting the books. Even me choosing Victoria Jc is because I want a fun jc life, and today I realised how finnicky I really am.
For one thing, everyone I know make their choice on which education institute they are vying for based on prestige and the quality of education offered. I chose my jc because I thought it would be fun.
Maybe it's because I take it too much for granted that part of my tertiary education is covered???
And lots of people I know are aiming for national universities overseas, the ivy league, harvard, cambridge, yale, etc. etc. I never even dreamt of trying for any of the prominent jcs that intimidate me even through the tv screen, but now people around me are. So it's a bit of a shock, considering I even know someone who was accepted into Oxford but rejected the offer.
Bucking up required, perhaps?
ZJ proved the pythagorean theorem. Lol. Quite interesting la, the way he prove.... =D (I think he's bloody smart, considering how he invented it himself. I think? Makes me feel retarded only, with him taking Further Maths and all)
Step by step... (for you-know-who =D)

(It's a square within a square, fyi. My art sucks.)
Area of square
= (a+b)^2
= a^2 + b^2 +2ab
Area of triangles
= 1/2ab
Area of inverted square
= c^2
.: a^2 + b^2 + 2ab = 4(1/2ab) + c^2
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Cool right??
I totally didn't know it.
(Sorry la, stupid wat, =.=)
(see you @ the end of the year)
PS: you should totally have gone out with us today. DDD=
(if you ever read this, though I doubt you will)
hope to see you in UK! =D
1:31 AM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
According to CERTAIN PPL, pics must be put up in my blog. Of real people. That we personally know of. Because apparently, it's boring otherwise. And it's to keep record of stuff.

Dinner @ Solaris

Mei Yin turns legal! (like it's going to make much of a difference to all of us anyway... >_>)
Don't want to look for more pics already. Lazy. And paiseh la. So don't want...

Damn cute right??? I swear she was posing for me to take photo.
At least she doesn't shed when I scratch/pet her.
VICO TOTALLY DOES. And I like have hair on my palms sometimes. Which is kinda gross. So I have to shower after playing with her or generally avoid her.
Vico is all bark and no bite though. People generally call her super fierce, but she's like just a very good actress. When she sees us coming, she's suddenly the dutiful guard dog. REALLY! Bloody smart la.
9:17 PM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
8:20 AM
Monday, February 15, 2010
I don't think I'll be updating this blog regularly anymore. Well, maybe when I get my personal internet connection. Otherwise rl takes priority over anything in webspace. Especially now when I'm involved in so many stuff.
I hope I have time
*cross fingers*
(Mr. Tan even suggested me to join both netball and ODAC. Impossible la!)
Things I signed up for:
2. House comm
3. Netball
4. Light think
5. Cinderella: The Musical
Deadlines coming up
1. 22/2 - File check on PW
2. 26/2 - Chem Video Production Proposal
and the teachers expect us to prepare for tutorials BEFORE tutorials. do they think we have 30 hours a day or smth??? *dies*
8:40 AM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
8:24 AM
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's been forever since I last updated.
BUT! For valid reasons, considering my internet connection kinda died on me and I'm just waiting to get my own personal line.
As of now, I'm really pissed off because it seemed that my fiddling with the proxies had made my safari impenetrable to all websites of which require secure connections. Like email accounts and stuff. So I actually have to use firefox, which I'm not exactly thrilled in doing.
And oh, MY DAD GOT A NEW CAR. Okay, so he got an old new car, which means he bought it off his friend; but it's bloody cool looking. Which also means that the Proton, despite its old ricketiness; is MINE. =D How many people can say they have their own car even before they officially have their own driving license???
I have quite a lot of stuff to blog about, but I shall start with the most recent stuff; lest I forget. Instead, I'm just going to list down some stuff that happened, so that in future, when I have more time and patience, I might write them down. =D
4. Mass dance!
5. AWESOME!Class
6. New!FRIENDS *****
9. CCAs: Housecomm, netball, ODAC, etccc..
I totally love Victoria. SERIOUSLY. No way shall I ever regret going to VJC. EVER EVER EVER.
ANYWAY. I almost died yesterday. FIRSTLY. I was accepted into Netball, something that I thought was totally unexpected since I had totally ZERO experience. And when I got in, they were like, "Oh, juniors we're going to do 2.4km." And I was like, oh shit. And then they said. "By the way, you can't pass 15 minutes." And I was then like, oh bloody hell.
Okay, so; I usually complete 2.4 before 15 - BUT I haven't ran since Sec 4 NAFA. Which was one year ago. Soooo I ran, and managed to finish at about 14 mins. AND THEN there were drills and sets and all the hellish stuff sports people go through but somehow never manage to complain about for some godforsaken reason. Granted, it was also the fact that the Netball team had a new coach; and she was trying to change the exercise regime such that even the seniors were pooped.
THE VERY NEXT DAY. Third period PE. Which was another 2.4 km accompanied with two sets of starjumps, sit ups and push ups. >_
Teh awesomeness!
Shall update more next time.
PPS: *dreads V-day*
12:33 PM
Today is my first day at Victoria Hall. Sounds awesome already, doesn't it? (in the most sarcastic way possible) Considering how similar it seems phonetically to the awe-inspiring Parry Hall, it is much much different. Sure, Parry Hall beats VH in such that it actually possesses a gym, an amazing feat indeed. However, it must be noted that Parry Hall does not have a normal human sized table, a shelf, proper sized rooms, and best of all; their own personal toilet per room. Or so I thought.
Because later on, I realised personal toilets aren't that fun.
Especially when your roomies don't lean towards to hygiene freak type.
My parents were horrified when they first saw the toilet. I was, kinda. But considering I was expecting something a little similar it wasn't too bad. Still, it was enough to spur me on a shopping trip to Giant (Parkway, wor) to get gloves, a brush, the cool spraying disinfectant thinghy and assorted other cleaning materials.
Fun, right.
In particular the scrubbing the toilet bowl stuff, when you see icky stuff getting stuck into your brush and you don't actually want to know what exactly they are.
But the people! (excluding a certain minority) They are fantastic fantastic fantastic so far. I mean, I met quite a few people that I never expected to see; which is super cool. And so far, we seem to click? I hope. Teh love!
You should have seriously seen me before I went to the boarding school. I was like this heap of shivering mass of nervous wreck. I couldn't like act naturally when I went to XMS to see all the teachers. I WAS SO FREAKED OUT because this time I really didn't know anyone at all.
I mean, scholars. Since I'm staying in that particular boarding school for two years.
But but! It was okay la, the seniors so far all super friendly. Problem is, I can't exactly remember their names - a problem I always have at new places. I'm in the process of memorizing some people's names by keying their numbers into my phones though... Working semi-well?
(bt i dun really like my orientation. i pthink. BUT MY LEADER IS SUPER COOL. =D)
12:32 PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tomorrow going to school early tomorrow morning so that I can see all the teachers, which I actually haven't seen since I got my results. Kinda sad actually, and was feeling kinda ungrateful-ish considering that they've did so much to motivate and help me along throughout the years (two). If by some chance I get into VJC, I'll probably not going to have the chance to go back to school as often cause it's so far away unless of course it's gonna be some event like Homecoming day or something.
Which would be kinda annoying.
Because everybody is like going to crowd in school during those times, making it impossible to have any quality time whatsoever with any of the teachers.
It's also kinda convenient considering I can actually get my appeal form if I'm really desperate to get into my school of choice, which I seriously doubt I will.
0800 Hours tomorrow!
11:30 PM
Monday, January 25, 2010
I think.
I am.
Very disappointed.
Because for some reason, my method of escape isn't very effective.
I feel very dead now.
I shall try to feel better by thinking that things might look up.
5:02 PM
Discussed a bit on university of choice.
Ben Oh leaving KL to go to UK to study F&B management in Birmingham soon... And it's privately funded, so he needs a part time job; considering his boarding fees already reach about 2000 pounds per year. It just seems so real, now; that uni is lurking and I have to decide whether I really am serious about what I'm doing.
Because I haven't been.
I mean, compared to some; I might seem the straight-laced mugger - but really, I'm not. I don't put as much effort into studying as I do in other realms of interest. Heck, I might be more determined in doodling than in hitting the books. Even me choosing Victoria Jc is because I want a fun jc life, and today I realised how finnicky I really am.
For one thing, everyone I know make their choice on which education institute they are vying for based on prestige and the quality of education offered. I chose my jc because I thought it would be fun.
Maybe it's because I take it too much for granted that part of my tertiary education is covered???
And lots of people I know are aiming for national universities overseas, the ivy league, harvard, cambridge, yale, etc. etc. I never even dreamt of trying for any of the prominent jcs that intimidate me even through the tv screen, but now people around me are. So it's a bit of a shock, considering I even know someone who was accepted into Oxford but rejected the offer.
Bucking up required, perhaps?
ZJ proved the pythagorean theorem. Lol. Quite interesting la, the way he prove.... =D (I think he's bloody smart, considering how he invented it himself. I think? Makes me feel retarded only, with him taking Further Maths and all)
Step by step... (for you-know-who =D)

(It's a square within a square, fyi. My art sucks.)
Area of square
= (a+b)^2
= a^2 + b^2 +2ab
Area of triangles
= 1/2ab
Area of inverted square
= c^2
.: a^2 + b^2 + 2ab = 4(1/2ab) + c^2
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Cool right??
I totally didn't know it.
(Sorry la, stupid wat, =.=)
(see you @ the end of the year)
PS: you should totally have gone out with us today. DDD=
(if you ever read this, though I doubt you will)
hope to see you in UK! =D
1:31 AM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
According to CERTAIN PPL, pics must be put up in my blog. Of real people. That we personally know of. Because apparently, it's boring otherwise. And it's to keep record of stuff.

Dinner @ Solaris

Mei Yin turns legal! (like it's going to make much of a difference to all of us anyway... >_>)
Don't want to look for more pics already. Lazy. And paiseh la. So don't want...

Damn cute right??? I swear she was posing for me to take photo.
At least she doesn't shed when I scratch/pet her.
VICO TOTALLY DOES. And I like have hair on my palms sometimes. Which is kinda gross. So I have to shower after playing with her or generally avoid her.
Vico is all bark and no bite though. People generally call her super fierce, but she's like just a very good actress. When she sees us coming, she's suddenly the dutiful guard dog. REALLY! Bloody smart la.
9:17 PM