Thursday, October 30, 2008
My eyes are fricking tired.
Spent the past few hours researching for MT Symposium.
Youth and Environment.
I'm pretty sure we're gonna get pwned anyway, for it's pure last minute work.
When I was looking for projects to refer to, I found my Form 1 Civic project, Form 2 & 3 History project and Form 2 Geography project. And I'm still shocked at the amount of effort I put to make it. I mean, 10 000 words on a History project? Never doing that again. Of course, this 10 000 words also includes me translating English documents into Malay. Lovely. I never knew I was so hardworking.
And uh, reading news as well. (dad got me the subscription that cost USD$100+ so i might as well use it)
Apparently, Malaysia's going ban Muslims from practicing Yoga and Kelantan's going to make a super censorship on "undesirable" websites. Perdictable indeed.
7:57 PM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It seems that
I give the impression
That I don't like Camille.
This is not true. We (meaning April and I) just like to whine about her. 'Coz it's fun. =D
8:48 PM
Blogskin changed due to the numerous complaints of my font. Apparently Ctrl + doesn't work on my skin and I refuse to be blamed should certain people loose their eyesight.
MT 'O' levels is coming up.
I guess most people probably think I'm crazy for whining about exams and stuff even though its after the EOY exams, BUT 'O' level is important, okay! For one thing, it'll probably replace my sucky English for the L1R5. So yeah, its imperative. Especially when I suck at Malay so much. And basically any other native language spoken by the Malay Archipelago. Also, I don't ever use it other when forced to, of which are fortunately, ocassions that are rare and few in between.
Also, today some lady came in to clear up the Sec 1s beds. So she saw Camille's CLUTTERED place and started asking me questions in Mandarin. I was trying to explain to her in my bastardized Chinese that she would be back to pick up her stuff on the 31st, but apparently either my explanation was incoherent or it didn't manage to pacify her. However, she was really nice; aside from the periodical grumblings at how much work she was going to face.
Note, St. Nick PRC scholars are going to occupy said beds on the 1st, (ohtheutterjoyofitall) the day after Camille bunches her stuff up and leaves.
When she left, I thought that was the end of it - and that she was going to come back on the 31st or something. Hours later, a (omious!) knock alerted April and I and we were barraged by the same lady plus a Mr. Dennis Teoh.
So we actually had to cart all of Camile's stuff to one corner,stuff all her clothing/assorted accesories/junk/rubbish/wtf?things into plastic bags and clear up her place - of which mentally scarred me. For one thing, I didn't know so much crap was harbored by the same person. Secondly, as we were shifting some of the stuff in one corner, April spied a cockroach scuttling out from under one of her things.
So yeah.
As you can imagine, I was quite traumatised about that section after that.
So, I have kindly included a picture to illustrate my point

Also take into account that these objects barricade my cupboard, and sort of requires me to contest for Olympic medals as I attempt the long jump to actually access my things.
PS: Sucky quality of photo shall be blamed on my computer's webcam.
Camille: See what you do to us????
8:02 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
A few updates.
Xinmin scholars are going to move to Serangoon.
Yeah, so Serangoon people, be very, very afraid.
And according to Camille's lovely mother, the place we're going to stay at is a red light district. Hm, and there I thought Geylang was the only place that was a semi-red light district in Singapore. Also, all of us girls must be very careful when walking around the area, especially Camille (for she is rape-able! *gasps*) for it seems that there might be eeeevvviiilll people lurking in abandoned houses, ready to jump at us and abduct us. In Cam's mum's words, it is apparently a very easy task to grab, rape and dump us in that area. In no particular order. Yes, it is the same Serangoon I'm talking about.
So yeah, as you can imagine, the Council of Malaysian Scholar Mothers (CMSM(tm)) have gotten into a huge uproar about this issue. So far to the extent certain members have taken it upon themselves to trespass into our future "home" and snap photos. Photos have been circulated around the CMSM(tm) but have suspiciously eluded me.
Our spacious room is supposedly cut into half, our cupboards and desks will be similarly shrunk. And my legions of clothes and books will be made homeless once I move myself into that presumably desolate place. Worse, we're going to sleep in double decker beds.
A prospect I can indeed dread *cough* look forward to. Of course. Erm, yeah.
On a bright note, it means no more waking up at 5 or reaching the hostel at 8. It also means I have no excuse to evade pesky teachers, for it is said that two teachers from Xinmin will actually be living with us. Said teachers, are (for better or for worse) male. And yeah, both guys and girls will be staying under a single roof. Girls will probably be allocated to top two floors of the hostel or something like that. So, ladies; no prancing about in towels. (not that I've seen anyone doing so. yet.)
Second on my rant-list, is the fact that I'll probably have to enter Malay Symposium. This doesn't make any sense, for I'll:
1) be in Malaysia
2) be in Penang, specifically.
3) need to stay in a fricking hotel to go for the Symposium for I didn't apply to stay in the boarding school
And it's totally unfair 'cause I'm completely unprepared for it. For i was not told. Okay, to be fair; I probably was told about the date of the Symposium somewhere throughout the year - but I was under the impression that I did not have to participate. Unfortunately for me, it seems that I have to.
I have also gotten a teenyweeny mention in the Commonwealth essay comp. I guess it's quite a good thing, considering it's my first year entering - ever. But I also discovered a few essays written by some HCI's people and was blown away by the quality of English.
In comparison, mine would be like chicken shit. Why chicken shit? I have no idea.
Yes, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm rather random as of now.
And my L1R5 dropped by A LOT 'cause of Mid-Year.
8:06 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My L1R5 is 9.
I'm like super happy, though some people will (probably) scoff at me for being, erm, happy.
Of course, you have to note that my previous L1R5 results was like 19.
Note, this does not include CA.
Mother Tongue
And CA will pull everything down even more. Lovely.
6:09 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today was... well.
Dinner was nothing special. Full stop.
The dance was fun, I guess. I kinda danced with lots of people, some of whom I don’t even know. I even spent a huge amount of time dancing in front of Camille, and trying to spur her into following me. Just went crazy, especially when the “YMCA” song was played.
I’m supposed to feel glad.
But somehow, it feels quite empty.
On a side note, April and Ze Yong were dancing weally weally closely. =D
11:08 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm just so pissed.
And I have no idea why.
Erm, anyway; we have Physics remedial on Thursday - of which is fricking annoying because it already takes me about 2 hours to travel to and fro from school. Wednesday is out because Science Acad has a meeting. And no, it's not abolished. I'm sure April has a very long explanation of all that in her blog; so if you're really curious -though I fail to see why, you can check it out.
Tomorrow is Inter-House games. The joy. I shall bring a book or something to do and squash myself in a tiny little corner - ignoring all existence of Post Exam activities.
Since I took the trouble to actually open, I might as well complain about the entire day today. It consisted of us listening to some professor speak, although I can't be sure because I wasn't paying attention at all. I was sorta day dreaming/reading comics/staring blankly at the most important feature of all; the clock. We also got lectured by Madam Liew, although it wasn't our fault, and endured another few hours of utter boredom.
The only upside is that our NYP project is almost over. Yay. I think.
Oh yeah, can someone like; provide me details about class outing? I'm like deprived of MSN, so am not able to know what's going on. April said something about bowling and a movie. I'm all for the one with Shia LeBouf. (Trasformers was good. Although apparently a lot of people haven't seen it)
I have also made a strange observation about certain groups of people I hang out with. A lot of them are movie-ically deprived. I mean, c'mon; it's depressing to see how many people ignorant of the wonders of Captain Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Carribean or the incredible awesomeness of other assorted movies. Aryl would have a heart attack. >_>
God, someone save me from this pent up anger. >_<
5:37 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Some people want to go to Harvard,
All the prestigious universities out there.
And really, I ask myself; “what am going to in three years time?”
‘Coz after JC, I want to go to Australia to study Lit. But, where? I don’t really know. So many people have where they wanna go in mind already, but all I have is petty little goals I set for myself.
Yesterday my mum called me about the girl, whatever her name is; who published her book when she was 16. I think it was called Queen Bee or Gossip Bee or something. Her language rocks, true; but it’s a high school book. Typical. And I don’t want to be just typical. I want to write fantasy, something that people will read and go, “I wish I was there.” not “Been there, done that.” She wrote another book, though; and it’s a romance, something Sweetheart.
Really. But when am I actually going to accomplish all this? I have absolutely no idea.
I feel like I’m missing something.
Arrghhh, there’s school tomorrow along with Mother Tongue. *kills self*
7:36 PM
Hmm.. Exams are over.
I should be doing some productive...
Like NYP or something..
... Nah.
6:15 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Is it even possible?
Bio resurrected me to kill me again.
I mean, wow.
Four more papers to go.
2:55 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Physics has killed me.
I am now rotting.
Chem was okay though.
2:54 PM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
If you don’t see me on Monday, it would probably because I have killed myself out of morbid shame.
For I have found out that I am to dance for Hwa Chong’s formal-dinner-thing.
And the tech run is tomorrow at 2 p.m.
I totally thought that they (the people in charge) have kindly FORGOTTEN about the fact that I was supposed to dance; and had gotten other people to substitute me. Unfortunately for me, the person who has to be eternally shamed; they did NOT. And thus I have to lead the waltz for the night. Along with two other couples. Wait- did I use the word couple? Oh noes.
Yes, I’m dancing with Chen Yang. Which is a fantastically good thing, as it means I can just follow his lead; knowing how super pro he is at dancing. Provided I don’t step on his toes. Which I haven’t. Yet. So yeah, thank goodness it’s him of all people. (April says he can just drag me around... =.=)
This also means my STUDY time, of which I had put off the entire day to tomorrow because I was busy reading Oofuri. (I totally blame Zhi Ling for the BAD BAD BAD influence) I read all available chapters and was hooked on the fact that they actually show the STRATEGY in Oofuri, which is much different from Adachi’s H2 and Touch in which all I see are people batting and running around. Super cool. Especially Abe. (I just have the thing for the intelligent ones.)
Now I have to see if my dress still fits. (dress, oh noes!)
And yeah, if anyone wants to see pictures of the Waltz Night tutorial thinghy, let me know so I can put it up on Facebook.
11:27 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
SS was okay today. I didn’t finish my conclusion for the last assertion question again though. “How far does Source E tell you that Russia is responsible for the South Ossetia conflict?” I was crapping a lot about content, writing little about the purpose.
I just mentioned that it was propaganda and it is biased, cross-referencing to Source B, C and D along with a little from the contextual knowledge. I’m seriously dead.
I forgot about the part where Mdm. Yeo mentioned about the boosting soldier morale and stuff. I also concluded that both parties (along with US, since they so cleverly provided military support instead of being a neutral third party) was in fault; but never properly finished it. Of course, that is provided the marker actually deciphers my handwriting. Haiz.. At least it’s done with.
From my lovely experiences, my SS scores have always been relatively bad.
Now all I have to worry about is HOW I’m going to score A1 for all my exam papers because some people (a.k.a. my parents) have told others about my supposedly good CA marks and the embarrassment I’m likely to face when others find out how lousy my grades will be. (I’m also supposedly going to go to a good JC... or smth)
I just love it when my parents pile pressure on me like this.
And somehow, I managed to get second highest for Bio; with an A2. I’m not sure how either, but it happened. Liang Xin TOPPED the class though. So, SOME people actually got mixed up. And, HELLO I FAILED SEM 1 BIO. Is that not reason enough for my belief that I’ll flunk Bio? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure it is.
Also, I hate Oral Comm. Whomever who invented it deserves to die a long painful death. I got pulled down a grade because of Oral Comm in AMath; along with half the class. Apparently, if we listen in class; it means that we are passive, uncooperative students. Right.
In fact, my CA2 marks are strangely good. I’m pretty sure this is a bad omen for EOY. Just great.
Next, all Sciences. And Lit. And E. Geo. Being a Lit student is fun. (TWO LOUSY PAPERS FOR HUMANITIES!!!) (this is me panicking)
I STILL DON’T GET THE RAY DIAGRAM. ESPECIALLY MR. CHAN’S FREAKY QUESTIONS. Actually, everything in Physics in general. (this is me panicking even more)
10:42 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Erm. So.
Apparently, I am NOT a nice person. Really, I’m a mean evil bitch who kidnaps little kids and rape them. I then sell their mutilated organs for cold, hard cash. Unexpected, but supposedly true.
Seriously, I thought I was like - I dunno, normal?
Anyway, I shall not comment about Bio test except that I passed due to the fact I know some people with pitchforks wanting to kill me already just for saying this.
Oh yeah, I also posted a recent photo of myself on facebook. And I kept getting comments about me looking emo just because I refused to smile at the camera. I got like four comments on the same photo on the same day itself just because of that (of which includes my brother who went: “what’s with that face?”) causing me to believe my photos can actually spark controversial events. Cool.
Also, it seems that quite a few people actually read my blog. I really didn’t know that. Like real. And I’ve been getting a surge of KL friends visiting recently... I think it’s the combination of their upcoming exams and the Hari Raya cookies they have giving them a weird high. =D Not that I mind though.
Super cool part----
Aryl said that we’re going to celebrate New Year in Hotel Royale!!! Not that it is a chocolate fountain or anything (or so I think), but it’s great anyway.
I can’t wait to wear my Xinmin uniform back to SMKB. I’m pretty sure I’d scandalize a few of the Malay teachers already, considering my skirt is NOT below knee length.
Wait - why am I even talking about going back home? It’s EOY tomorrow! Oh noes!
PS: I’m gonna fail Bio EOY. Mr. Lee’s marking, and I’m pretty sure he’s gonna flunk me for handwriting alone.
4:06 PM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Read books the whole day.
There was this book written by Tanith Lee called The Silver Metal Lover that was super sweet. It's about this spoilt little brat who lives in the future who was carefully selected and artificially inseminated in her mother. Once she was born, everything about her was false, as in her hair was genetically chosen to "match" her personality, her eye colour altered; to the extent that she had six friends because six was her 'magic number', in a sense. One day, she sees this guy who was actually a robot and "falls in love with him". Him, being a robot sorta made him; erm, emotionless? So, it was a very one-sided thing at the start.
And the sad thing was because it was doomed from the very beginning; him being not human and all. He was took back to the manufacturer and shut down- simply because humans were threatened by the existence of such perfect beings.
It's really realistic in a way, I guess.
Tanith Lee's Book of The Damned series were really different compared to this one, so it was really strange.
I also reread Mercedes Lackey's 500 Kingdoms stories... Can't help but love fantasy. =)
This is a very girly post. I feel quite weird now. 0_o
11:10 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My eyes are fricking tired.
Spent the past few hours researching for MT Symposium.
Youth and Environment.
I'm pretty sure we're gonna get pwned anyway, for it's pure last minute work.
When I was looking for projects to refer to, I found my Form 1 Civic project, Form 2 & 3 History project and Form 2 Geography project. And I'm still shocked at the amount of effort I put to make it. I mean, 10 000 words on a History project? Never doing that again. Of course, this 10 000 words also includes me translating English documents into Malay. Lovely. I never knew I was so hardworking.
And uh, reading news as well. (dad got me the subscription that cost USD$100+ so i might as well use it)
Apparently, Malaysia's going ban Muslims from practicing Yoga and Kelantan's going to make a super censorship on "undesirable" websites. Perdictable indeed.
7:57 PM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It seems that
I give the impression
That I don't like Camille.
This is not true. We (meaning April and I) just like to whine about her. 'Coz it's fun. =D
8:48 PM
Blogskin changed due to the numerous complaints of my font. Apparently Ctrl + doesn't work on my skin and I refuse to be blamed should certain people loose their eyesight.
MT 'O' levels is coming up.
I guess most people probably think I'm crazy for whining about exams and stuff even though its after the EOY exams, BUT 'O' level is important, okay! For one thing, it'll probably replace my sucky English for the L1R5. So yeah, its imperative. Especially when I suck at Malay so much. And basically any other native language spoken by the Malay Archipelago. Also, I don't ever use it other when forced to, of which are fortunately, ocassions that are rare and few in between.
Also, today some lady came in to clear up the Sec 1s beds. So she saw Camille's CLUTTERED place and started asking me questions in Mandarin. I was trying to explain to her in my bastardized Chinese that she would be back to pick up her stuff on the 31st, but apparently either my explanation was incoherent or it didn't manage to pacify her. However, she was really nice; aside from the periodical grumblings at how much work she was going to face.
Note, St. Nick PRC scholars are going to occupy said beds on the 1st, (ohtheutterjoyofitall) the day after Camille bunches her stuff up and leaves.
When she left, I thought that was the end of it - and that she was going to come back on the 31st or something. Hours later, a (omious!) knock alerted April and I and we were barraged by the same lady plus a Mr. Dennis Teoh.
So we actually had to cart all of Camile's stuff to one corner,stuff all her clothing/assorted accesories/junk/rubbish/wtf?things into plastic bags and clear up her place - of which mentally scarred me. For one thing, I didn't know so much crap was harbored by the same person. Secondly, as we were shifting some of the stuff in one corner, April spied a cockroach scuttling out from under one of her things.
So yeah.
As you can imagine, I was quite traumatised about that section after that.
So, I have kindly included a picture to illustrate my point

Also take into account that these objects barricade my cupboard, and sort of requires me to contest for Olympic medals as I attempt the long jump to actually access my things.
PS: Sucky quality of photo shall be blamed on my computer's webcam.
Camille: See what you do to us????
8:02 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
A few updates.
Xinmin scholars are going to move to Serangoon.
Yeah, so Serangoon people, be very, very afraid.
And according to Camille's lovely mother, the place we're going to stay at is a red light district. Hm, and there I thought Geylang was the only place that was a semi-red light district in Singapore. Also, all of us girls must be very careful when walking around the area, especially Camille (for she is rape-able! *gasps*) for it seems that there might be eeeevvviiilll people lurking in abandoned houses, ready to jump at us and abduct us. In Cam's mum's words, it is apparently a very easy task to grab, rape and dump us in that area. In no particular order. Yes, it is the same Serangoon I'm talking about.
So yeah, as you can imagine, the Council of Malaysian Scholar Mothers (CMSM(tm)) have gotten into a huge uproar about this issue. So far to the extent certain members have taken it upon themselves to trespass into our future "home" and snap photos. Photos have been circulated around the CMSM(tm) but have suspiciously eluded me.
Our spacious room is supposedly cut into half, our cupboards and desks will be similarly shrunk. And my legions of clothes and books will be made homeless once I move myself into that presumably desolate place. Worse, we're going to sleep in double decker beds.
A prospect I can indeed dread *cough* look forward to. Of course. Erm, yeah.
On a bright note, it means no more waking up at 5 or reaching the hostel at 8. It also means I have no excuse to evade pesky teachers, for it is said that two teachers from Xinmin will actually be living with us. Said teachers, are (for better or for worse) male. And yeah, both guys and girls will be staying under a single roof. Girls will probably be allocated to top two floors of the hostel or something like that. So, ladies; no prancing about in towels. (not that I've seen anyone doing so. yet.)
Second on my rant-list, is the fact that I'll probably have to enter Malay Symposium. This doesn't make any sense, for I'll:
1) be in Malaysia
2) be in Penang, specifically.
3) need to stay in a fricking hotel to go for the Symposium for I didn't apply to stay in the boarding school
And it's totally unfair 'cause I'm completely unprepared for it. For i was not told. Okay, to be fair; I probably was told about the date of the Symposium somewhere throughout the year - but I was under the impression that I did not have to participate. Unfortunately for me, it seems that I have to.
I have also gotten a teenyweeny mention in the Commonwealth essay comp. I guess it's quite a good thing, considering it's my first year entering - ever. But I also discovered a few essays written by some HCI's people and was blown away by the quality of English.
In comparison, mine would be like chicken shit. Why chicken shit? I have no idea.
Yes, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm rather random as of now.
And my L1R5 dropped by A LOT 'cause of Mid-Year.
8:06 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My L1R5 is 9.
I'm like super happy, though some people will (probably) scoff at me for being, erm, happy.
Of course, you have to note that my previous L1R5 results was like 19.
Note, this does not include CA.
Mother Tongue
And CA will pull everything down even more. Lovely.
6:09 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today was... well.
Dinner was nothing special. Full stop.
The dance was fun, I guess. I kinda danced with lots of people, some of whom I don’t even know. I even spent a huge amount of time dancing in front of Camille, and trying to spur her into following me. Just went crazy, especially when the “YMCA” song was played.
I’m supposed to feel glad.
But somehow, it feels quite empty.
On a side note, April and Ze Yong were dancing weally weally closely. =D
11:08 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm just so pissed.
And I have no idea why.
Erm, anyway; we have Physics remedial on Thursday - of which is fricking annoying because it already takes me about 2 hours to travel to and fro from school. Wednesday is out because Science Acad has a meeting. And no, it's not abolished. I'm sure April has a very long explanation of all that in her blog; so if you're really curious -though I fail to see why, you can check it out.
Tomorrow is Inter-House games. The joy. I shall bring a book or something to do and squash myself in a tiny little corner - ignoring all existence of Post Exam activities.
Since I took the trouble to actually open, I might as well complain about the entire day today. It consisted of us listening to some professor speak, although I can't be sure because I wasn't paying attention at all. I was sorta day dreaming/reading comics/staring blankly at the most important feature of all; the clock. We also got lectured by Madam Liew, although it wasn't our fault, and endured another few hours of utter boredom.
The only upside is that our NYP project is almost over. Yay. I think.
Oh yeah, can someone like; provide me details about class outing? I'm like deprived of MSN, so am not able to know what's going on. April said something about bowling and a movie. I'm all for the one with Shia LeBouf. (Trasformers was good. Although apparently a lot of people haven't seen it)
I have also made a strange observation about certain groups of people I hang out with. A lot of them are movie-ically deprived. I mean, c'mon; it's depressing to see how many people ignorant of the wonders of Captain Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Carribean or the incredible awesomeness of other assorted movies. Aryl would have a heart attack. >_>
God, someone save me from this pent up anger. >_<
5:37 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Some people want to go to Harvard,
All the prestigious universities out there.
And really, I ask myself; “what am going to in three years time?”
‘Coz after JC, I want to go to Australia to study Lit. But, where? I don’t really know. So many people have where they wanna go in mind already, but all I have is petty little goals I set for myself.
Yesterday my mum called me about the girl, whatever her name is; who published her book when she was 16. I think it was called Queen Bee or Gossip Bee or something. Her language rocks, true; but it’s a high school book. Typical. And I don’t want to be just typical. I want to write fantasy, something that people will read and go, “I wish I was there.” not “Been there, done that.” She wrote another book, though; and it’s a romance, something Sweetheart.
Really. But when am I actually going to accomplish all this? I have absolutely no idea.
I feel like I’m missing something.
Arrghhh, there’s school tomorrow along with Mother Tongue. *kills self*
7:36 PM
Hmm.. Exams are over.
I should be doing some productive...
Like NYP or something..
... Nah.
6:15 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Is it even possible?
Bio resurrected me to kill me again.
I mean, wow.
Four more papers to go.
2:55 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Physics has killed me.
I am now rotting.
Chem was okay though.
2:54 PM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
If you don’t see me on Monday, it would probably because I have killed myself out of morbid shame.
For I have found out that I am to dance for Hwa Chong’s formal-dinner-thing.
And the tech run is tomorrow at 2 p.m.
I totally thought that they (the people in charge) have kindly FORGOTTEN about the fact that I was supposed to dance; and had gotten other people to substitute me. Unfortunately for me, the person who has to be eternally shamed; they did NOT. And thus I have to lead the waltz for the night. Along with two other couples. Wait- did I use the word couple? Oh noes.
Yes, I’m dancing with Chen Yang. Which is a fantastically good thing, as it means I can just follow his lead; knowing how super pro he is at dancing. Provided I don’t step on his toes. Which I haven’t. Yet. So yeah, thank goodness it’s him of all people. (April says he can just drag me around... =.=)
This also means my STUDY time, of which I had put off the entire day to tomorrow because I was busy reading Oofuri. (I totally blame Zhi Ling for the BAD BAD BAD influence) I read all available chapters and was hooked on the fact that they actually show the STRATEGY in Oofuri, which is much different from Adachi’s H2 and Touch in which all I see are people batting and running around. Super cool. Especially Abe. (I just have the thing for the intelligent ones.)
Now I have to see if my dress still fits. (dress, oh noes!)
And yeah, if anyone wants to see pictures of the Waltz Night tutorial thinghy, let me know so I can put it up on Facebook.
11:27 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
SS was okay today. I didn’t finish my conclusion for the last assertion question again though. “How far does Source E tell you that Russia is responsible for the South Ossetia conflict?” I was crapping a lot about content, writing little about the purpose.
I just mentioned that it was propaganda and it is biased, cross-referencing to Source B, C and D along with a little from the contextual knowledge. I’m seriously dead.
I forgot about the part where Mdm. Yeo mentioned about the boosting soldier morale and stuff. I also concluded that both parties (along with US, since they so cleverly provided military support instead of being a neutral third party) was in fault; but never properly finished it. Of course, that is provided the marker actually deciphers my handwriting. Haiz.. At least it’s done with.
From my lovely experiences, my SS scores have always been relatively bad.
Now all I have to worry about is HOW I’m going to score A1 for all my exam papers because some people (a.k.a. my parents) have told others about my supposedly good CA marks and the embarrassment I’m likely to face when others find out how lousy my grades will be. (I’m also supposedly going to go to a good JC... or smth)
I just love it when my parents pile pressure on me like this.
And somehow, I managed to get second highest for Bio; with an A2. I’m not sure how either, but it happened. Liang Xin TOPPED the class though. So, SOME people actually got mixed up. And, HELLO I FAILED SEM 1 BIO. Is that not reason enough for my belief that I’ll flunk Bio? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure it is.
Also, I hate Oral Comm. Whomever who invented it deserves to die a long painful death. I got pulled down a grade because of Oral Comm in AMath; along with half the class. Apparently, if we listen in class; it means that we are passive, uncooperative students. Right.
In fact, my CA2 marks are strangely good. I’m pretty sure this is a bad omen for EOY. Just great.
Next, all Sciences. And Lit. And E. Geo. Being a Lit student is fun. (TWO LOUSY PAPERS FOR HUMANITIES!!!) (this is me panicking)
I STILL DON’T GET THE RAY DIAGRAM. ESPECIALLY MR. CHAN’S FREAKY QUESTIONS. Actually, everything in Physics in general. (this is me panicking even more)
10:42 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Erm. So.
Apparently, I am NOT a nice person. Really, I’m a mean evil bitch who kidnaps little kids and rape them. I then sell their mutilated organs for cold, hard cash. Unexpected, but supposedly true.
Seriously, I thought I was like - I dunno, normal?
Anyway, I shall not comment about Bio test except that I passed due to the fact I know some people with pitchforks wanting to kill me already just for saying this.
Oh yeah, I also posted a recent photo of myself on facebook. And I kept getting comments about me looking emo just because I refused to smile at the camera. I got like four comments on the same photo on the same day itself just because of that (of which includes my brother who went: “what’s with that face?”) causing me to believe my photos can actually spark controversial events. Cool.
Also, it seems that quite a few people actually read my blog. I really didn’t know that. Like real. And I’ve been getting a surge of KL friends visiting recently... I think it’s the combination of their upcoming exams and the Hari Raya cookies they have giving them a weird high. =D Not that I mind though.
Super cool part----
Aryl said that we’re going to celebrate New Year in Hotel Royale!!! Not that it is a chocolate fountain or anything (or so I think), but it’s great anyway.
I can’t wait to wear my Xinmin uniform back to SMKB. I’m pretty sure I’d scandalize a few of the Malay teachers already, considering my skirt is NOT below knee length.
Wait - why am I even talking about going back home? It’s EOY tomorrow! Oh noes!
PS: I’m gonna fail Bio EOY. Mr. Lee’s marking, and I’m pretty sure he’s gonna flunk me for handwriting alone.
4:06 PM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Read books the whole day.
There was this book written by Tanith Lee called The Silver Metal Lover that was super sweet. It's about this spoilt little brat who lives in the future who was carefully selected and artificially inseminated in her mother. Once she was born, everything about her was false, as in her hair was genetically chosen to "match" her personality, her eye colour altered; to the extent that she had six friends because six was her 'magic number', in a sense. One day, she sees this guy who was actually a robot and "falls in love with him". Him, being a robot sorta made him; erm, emotionless? So, it was a very one-sided thing at the start.
And the sad thing was because it was doomed from the very beginning; him being not human and all. He was took back to the manufacturer and shut down- simply because humans were threatened by the existence of such perfect beings.
It's really realistic in a way, I guess.
Tanith Lee's Book of The Damned series were really different compared to this one, so it was really strange.
I also reread Mercedes Lackey's 500 Kingdoms stories... Can't help but love fantasy. =)
This is a very girly post. I feel quite weird now. 0_o
11:10 PM