Sunday, November 30, 2008
Today. We hiked up a fricking mountain for one hour at Balik Pulau to visit my uncle’s uncle who had decided that the “bare necessities were best” and built his own house up on a mountain cum hill. Most of the road was inclined uphill, so we were all half dead after the one hour trek.
I was wearing sport shoes with socks, being the sensible person I was. My sister, however; cleverly listened to the advice of my seventy year old grandmother on which slippers to wear and ended up hurting her feet. Feeling sorry for her, I switched - with her wearing my shoes and socks, and me trudging with granny slippers. Literally.
The thing about the entire situation is that my grandmother’s shoes are one size too small for me. Soooo... I ended up with TEN blisters, five on each foot. And I am completely NOT exaggerating because my feet had undergo-ed inspections from various parts of my extended family. And they kindly counted for me. I think I broke some kind of family record. Of course, they’re the small kind; no bigger than my thumbnail.
My brother once had a worse blister, it encompassing the entire sole of his foot; caused by his strange obsession to play football barefoot in sandy/muddy/grassy areas of which I do not understand. Of course, it happened quite a while ago.
My blister count beat the second highest’s, my mother’s, of which is five; due to the fact that she wore the ballerina type of shoes to hike up a trail as she had no other available footwear.
And yeah, it was just my luck that it rained just as we reached the top. Which meant we walked downhill under the rain. Lovely. I was expecting lightning to strike at some point, but I guess there was only so much suffering one could endure in one day.
Which is why, once again, I MUST emphasize I. Hate. Nature. I’m fine with it, in parks and reservoirs and caged behind metal bars; but not the sort that seem to surround and suffocate me. For nature as such consists of small creepy crawlies, slithering slimy reptiles, various vicious insects and lots and lots of MUD. Especially when it rains. And yeah, I was wearing slippers. So my feet was quite splattered with slimy globs of goo of which I hope only consisted of sand and water.
Also, I had the bright idea yesterday to take the stairs all the way in my grandma’s apartment to the eighteenth floor just to look at the view. The stair climbing part was actually kinda fun (strange, I know. but graffiti is kinda entertaining, especially when it contains words you hardly understand) but at the top, looking down at the many balconies of sixteen other floors, well, it wasn’t pleasant. And I was reminded of my mild fear of heights. Feeling slightly dizzy, I proceeded to use the stairs back down to the fourth floor where my grandmother stayed.
Till then it was still okay. However, by some freakish stroke of luck I discovered that I pulled the calf muscles of both my legs today. So, including lousy slippers and pathetic weather, I had also the strain of dragging my entire body up the mountain with trembling legs.
When I got back, I had therapy in the form of grandma’s lovely cooking though... =) And I bought a new pair of shorts.
11:26 PM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Penang is supposed to be a food haven. I guess it is for people with delicate taste buds, but I really can’t tell the difference between a plate of wantan mee that it’s noodles are supposedly starchier than the other or that a cup of soya bean milk is smoother/purer than normal.
I’m pretty much like some western tourists that believe that all exotic food taste like some variation of chicken. I guess one has to be a Penang-ite to know the difference. Great news is, both my parents are. And, wow, am I different.
My categories of food are divided into five. omgwtf GOOD, Good, Edible, Bad and Poison.
I kinda lumped all the good food into the Good category, without comparing it to the others; seeing that it has yet to hit my omgwtf GOOD category. (the omgwtf GOOD category consists of only one food I can think of at present moment, the taufu the Voons took me out for *salivates*)
But hey, kuay teow teng is always an A for me, as long as they contain the necessary helping of pork, crisp fresh veggies, smooth kuay teow and savoury soup (the sort that’s just nice, not too salty, which is a common occurence with KL food). Okay, maybe I AM picky as well. Still, as I enjoyed my bowl of noodles, my parents kinda went overboard comparing delicacies from Penang with the available ones in KL, and basically everywhere else. In freakish detail.
One thing about Penang food that it is still reasonably cheap (I mean, c’mon, 2.50 a bowl of kuay teow teng?) and comes in perfect portions. I always struggle to finish my food whenever I eat in Singapore, as it comes in gargantuan servings. Especially when it comes to noodles.
They resemble salad bowls, the ones you use to prepare the salad, not even the one you eat from; are filled up to the brim and are punctuated with tonnes of dressing, of which include assorted vegetables and huge chunks of meat. So yeah, they’re big portions. I’m not talking about school canteen stuff, but the ones you get when you eat at Orchard or a shopping complex. Not fast food restaurants either, but the food courts. No doubt, they taste good. But there’s only so much food one can take without spontaneously combusting. Really.
Anyway, even despite the lovely portions, my parents are still on the height of their “Operation: Make Rebecca Obese” campaign and ordered other lovely dishes that are of my favor. Resistance was futile, as huge amounts of food still ended up into my digestive systems despite my many refusals.
I’m pretty sure my jeans feel tighter than normal.
10:25 PM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Today we had a worship practice for the Youth Camp next month. I'm in the second session, led by Tim Tai. Which is pretty cool, since he's so spontaneous and all.
So anyway, the session was quite short - and we only managed to finish playing half a song; at least for my session. It was mostly due to the fact that it was our first session and everything was still quite messy. Our mikes had to be adjusted. I didn't know one or two of the songs (we were only given the song sheet today) so I kinda mumbled through. There was once when noone could hear me, though. It was this Malay song, and I wasn't quite sure with the tune. I sang anyway, but I apparently was too soft. It was only later before I found out my mike was super soft, and it wasn't actually my fault. =X I wished I could sing better, Ashley, Agnes and Tabitha had such niiiceee voices.
The songs for Nick Foong's session really rock. (not that Tim's songs are bad or anything... but hey, Hillsong!) "What The World Will Never Take" and "The Time Has Come". There's another song, "From Inside Out" somewhere in all the songs in the song list as well, though I'll need to actually look it up on Youtube.
I was kinda pleasantly surprised when I was familiar with those two songs when there are people who aren't. ('coz I'm quite pathetic with Christian songs, I don't know half of the songs I sing - at least, not entirely) Then I found out the only reason I even knew about them is because I sang for CF concert... Aww... so nostalgic all of a sudden.. >_<
I think this year's Youth Camp's gonna be awesome! I hope I don't embarrass myself YET AGAIN, though. *crosses fingers*
Hm, this reminds me. Never really talked about the "Old Testament in two days" thing Yew Juan did. It's great, really. I mean, I'm still quite blur about the Old Testament. (I mean, I read Luke and John many, many times; but I sorta rushed through the old testament. Except the part with Rebekah. =) ) And it's nice to reaffirm everything in such a comprehensive way. So, thanks for all the effort! It's a bit sad that I won't be able to make it this Saturday, though. (cause I'm going to Penang)
Anyway, I'm leaving at 6.45 tomorrow, so I guess I'm gonna have to brace myself for an extensive peroid of cheek pinching and exclamations of how much I've grown. (of which are the trademarks of all Aunties everywhere. the Uncles just stuff me with more Penang food)
Oh yeah, Shuk took me out for McD's again. I feel so guilty. >_>
Naruto Chapter 426....!!!! And Nodame Cantabile ch 127 as well, if anyone's listening.
10:53 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
So... I’m going to be super busy in December...
Just hope I’ll be able to meet up with everyone a few more times before I go back to Singapore.
Since a certain idiot decided to frolick in Australia from the 6th of Dec to the very day I have to go back to Singapore.
I can’t believe my family seem to take it upon themselves to stuff me with food of all sorts since I came back. I’m positively sure I put on a ridiculous amount of weight. So much so that I’m afraid to step on the weighing scale.
And I just tried doing a fricking AMaths question, of which I realised I got wrong for the past WEEK because I memorised the identities wrongly. I kept trying again and again, until my brother looked at my work in frustration and told me my identities were WRONG. I was so pissed. I thought my brain sort of deteriorated since then, and all along it was because I remembered the wrong terms! AGH. This is what happens after exams. My brain automatically erases all known information. So yeah.
Hm. Anyways.
Things done during the holidays:
Avatar: Last Airbender
Samurai Champloo
Soul Eater
Law of Ueki
Legend of Earthsea
The Cat Returns
(repeat) Spirited Away
(repeat) Howl’s Moving Castle
assorted J-drama series (of which include Cat Street, Gokusen, Kimi wa Petto and Nodame Cantabile) (*takes a moment to squeal over Matsumoto Jun*)
Assortment of books (too many to name, mostly of Fantasy genre)
Basara (re-read)
Nodame Cantabile (re-read)
Assorted Shoujo volumes
Assorted Shounen stuff of which names I cannot remember
about 5000 words worth of ficcies. Not including the ones I wrote in sg.
Who says I’m not productive? Lol. Just not with homework...
Up next: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Sigh.... Naruto's latest manga (of which I read on the day it was released, so I'm not laggy!) is so depressing. Why? WHY? And Nodame 127 is STILL not out yet, supposingly caused by the mangaka needing time off to take care of her baby. She was supposed to start on October. It's NOVEMBER now. Also, D-Grayman's author's also taking a hiatus. Or something. Didn't really pay attention. But anyway... yeah.
PS: does anyone other than me feel that Detective Conan is terribly boring? i mean, how many volumes of one-shot-ish mysteries that have nothing to do pertaining to the plot should there be before the mangaka actually decides to end it???
8:58 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's been a really great evening.
Didn't really expect it, just thought it was going to be a normal picnic and stuff.
But it turned out really nicely, the atmosphere was just so peaceful, so perfect.
Although it did rain, it was super funny seeing Mei Yin, Shermaine, Eugene and Afiq squeeze beneath the mac trying to not to get wet. Shuk shielded herself under her tuition bag. Aryl was wearing a cap. I didn't bother, merely strolling in the rain, protecting the Big Apple donuts of which Mei Yin kindly ate most of. Of course, all this happened before Wei Ann and Khye Chwin arrived and Afiq left.
We just had a lot of fun talking and hanging out. Even in Secret Recipe with certain people continuously bugging the waitress for more things and stuff. Even though it might seem like we're from two different "cliques", in a way, we still fit together surprisingly well. And I can't believe we had tonnes more fun in the playground than shopping. Though I think KC got kinda bored midway.
But when it turned dark, after the pet shop - it was amazing. The place was so tranquil, so beautiful. It was pitch black, with lamps lighting up the otherwise empty sky like stars. The distant lights from houses far away seemed like lighthouses across the lake, as if beckoning us by. Our reflections shimmered in the lake, along with quaint gazeboes just facing the mirror-like water. As cliche as it might seem, the sound of crickets only added to the peace of the place.
Of course, we immediately destroyed it with our peals of laughter and constant jokes. However, I must also add that we alone are not the guilty party as there were groups of people opposite us who made just as much noise. A group of Malay teens, from what I could tell.
I'd write more, but it hurts to keep my eyes open. And yes, I know it's extremely early..
10:47 PM
I'm too much a nice person.. >_>
!quiz alert!
A. People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blogs.
B. Tag 8 ppl to do this quiz, those who are tagged cannot refuse. Write who they are tagged by and they are supposed to tag back.
C. Continue this quiz by sending it to other people.the 8 people are ~
- I'm leaving a huge blank here because I'm already being uncharacteristically supportive by doing something that has elements of pointless chain mails.-
1. What have you been doing recently?
Reading manga, watching anime, books, sleeping and wasting time in general.
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
When it runs out of battery. Whenever that is.
3. What happened at 10 am today?
Me. Sitting in front of my computer. Reading Samurai Champloo.
4. When did you last cry?
I'm pretty sure I did five minutes ago when I yawned....
5. Believe in fate/destiny?
I don't really think about it. If it's there, it is. If it isn't, it doesn't matter either.
6. What do you want in your life now?
More holiday time.
7. Do you intend to make a relationship complicated?
Does anyone? This is such a Camille question.
8. Are you wearing anything borrowed from someone?
Not currently. =D
9. What was the last movie you watched?
John Tucker Must Die (unless you count Anime movies.. which is a re-run of Spirited Away) soooo looongggg agoooo... T_T
10. Does that person know you like him/her?
Huh? What kind of weird arrangement of questions is this??? No person in question. Yes, I am a boring person. (I have to be to actually attempt this quiz.)
11. What always make you laugh?
Everything and anything. Darn am I specific. =D
12. Do you speak other languages other than english?
Yes, lots of dialects though.
13. Favourite website(s)?, animefuel, facebook, youtube, mangafox.. there's really too many of them.
14. What are you doing tomorrow?
The same thing I did today. I guess. (I'm not quite sure what I did today, actually)
15. Where have you been today?
Home, but will be going out for picnic and steamboat with friends later. (and hopefully NOT get lost on the way)
16. Sometimes, what do you think you are like?
A lazy, procrastinator who has a lousy temper and a boring personality. Really.
17. Who will you choose to die with?
I'd rather not anyone else to die with me?
18. What games do you play often?
Used to be The Sims. I love online games like Ragnarok, 02Jam and Gunbound though.
19. Who are you missing now?
Not anyone in specific. Everyone's easily contact-able.
20. If you have to choose between a love and a friend, who will you choose?
I feel like a ditz just reading this question. I won't even bother answering it.
21. What are you doing now?
Wasting time.
22. Which primary school did you come from?
Note, the question is directed at recent primary school graduates, which means the age bracket of those who do this is probably about 13-15 because of the sheer inanity and stupidity of this questionnaire. SK Taman Kepong, if anyone cares.
23. Name 3 colours you like.
24. What emotion do you like to show?
Whatever that I'm currently feeling.
25. What is your life to you now?
Heaven (holidays, rocks!)
26. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Complain repeatedly to anyone who listens, scream into pillow
27. Who did you last chat with in MSN today?
28. Who do you admire most?
My parents, for putting up with me. =.=
29. Which month were you born in?
30.How are you feeling now?
31. What is the time now?
32. What kind of person of person do you think is who last tagged you?
... Words fail to describe her. You can either take that negatively or positively. =)
33. What colour do you use to dye your hair ?
If I could, blonde highlights? Some of them are really cool.
34. Why are you doing this quiz?
I. Have. No. Idea. Why, Camille??
35. What do you do when you are moody?
Listen to loud music. Eat a lot of chocolate.
36. At which stage do you intend to get married?
Post-Uni probably?
37. Who is most important to you?
Though cliche, I must answer; friends and family.
38. If today was your last day of your life, what will you do?
Spend it with the people I care about.
39. Who is/are the people (person) you trust most?
You know who you are. =)
40. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
What's there to believe??? It's true!!! The utter retarded-ness! *screams*
41. If you have a dream come true, what will it be?
This question is grammatically incorrect. Really, I never thought about it. I think life is quite perfect the way it is.
42. What is/are your goal(s) this year ?
Too many, and too private to list in a publicly accessible blog.
43. Do you believe in eternal love?
44. What feeling do you love most?
Happiness? Is this a trick question?
45. Do you really think it's global warming now?
*rolls eyes until eyes pop out* Yes.
46. What feeling do you hate most?
Hatred, impatience, boredom.
47. Do you love doing quizzes?
Not retarded ones like these.
48. Do you believe in God?
Definitely yes.
49. Who cares for you most?
Not quite sure.
50. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
My beliefs?
51. What will you bring when you fight?
A dictionary so I can use incredibly complex sounding words to confuse my enemies into submission.
52. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
A lot of things.
53. What do you do if nobody cares for you anymore?
Pray hard?
54. What will you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
I guess... revenge? Yes, I'm mean that way.
55. How do you feel right now?
Annoyed at wasting my time doing this quiz.
3:21 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm admittedly too shallow to comment about political developments in our world, at least, usually.
Now, it seems that after Barack Obama has taken presidency, America is going a little haywire. For one thing, there seems to be a lot of news, mostly gossip actually; about plots to attack the president. The whites feel insecure that their roots have been pulled beneath their feet, so to say; as their country is now ruled over by a representative of the black minority. When I read Times, I see quite a lot of blatantly prejudiced views about Obama being the president, especially from the white community. The blacks are probably euphoric, though their perspectives are barely seen; as the magazine seems to mostly highlight the opinions whites have facing this huge paradigm shift.
According to some adults, (or from what they insist on telling me, despite my indifference to the subject) Barack Obama was chosen because the Americans had no choice. As a lesser of two evils, he won the campaign.
No doubt, many people from around the world; those of whom are not Americans support Barack Obama; as he is seen as the figurehead for change. However, I doubt the supporters would be as encouraging should their country be the one in question; unless, of course; they are minority groups themselves. Their support by itself isn't quite genuine, as I'm pretty sure most Indonesians support Obama merely because he had once stayed in their country, but not for what he does or what he represents.
Myself, I have little idea on what his stands are, aside from pulling back American troops from Iraq and against militarizing space and is sort of a pacifist (or at least, from what I can gather) and is also adamant about providing a social safety net for the poor. Or something like that.
I think it's going to be very different, at the very least. I do hope something like this might happen to Malaysia one day. Who knows? A Chinese or Indian PM? Though I frankly doubt I'd live to see it happen.
12:57 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Yesterday's get together was really fun. I guess I could elaborate on it, but it'd take the mental energy I now do not possess. Yes, I am that tired.
And I'm going to help out for Youth Camp's worship team! Yeah!
Also, Shuk and I will probably be going to Singapore together directly after Youth Camp due to "shopping". I'm just tagging along for fun and because my Genting trip with the gang probably wouldn't work out. (and certain people going will make the trip rather scary/awkward. think "big guy of 4K") My brother thinks that I'm insane for going to Singapore for a holiday when I AM already studying there.
Anyway, since I'll be probably dead tired after all those days, or frantically downloading stuff to replace wasted time; I really have to start doing my homework, so I'm listing it down.
EL : comprehension paper + commonwealth essay (me choice: Can I Help You?)
AM: TYS + 2w/s (sheet paper + set attached to EM w/s)
EM: w/s
SS: w/s
Bio: TYS + w/s (essay section)
Chem: w/s
Phy: TYS + w/s
ELit: summary of OffCentre (every act - including impt. events and character developments)
P/S: Narutooo! Ch 425!!! Where are you? T_T
4:29 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What I did today was kinda weird... for it seemed that today passed by far too quickly. After all, tomorrow will mark exactly one week of holidays and I haven’t touched any of the homework yet.
I actually read BASARA again, from the very first volume all towards volume 24, resisted urges to kill the author for the many draggy scenes of which consists of the main character staring blankly in shock (I mean, you don’t need ten pages to say one fricking word) and stopped myself from dying from cardiac arrest when I finally found out that the scanlations hasn’t yet been completed.
I mean, seriously, after the stupid ten pages pause where Sarasa stares blankly into thin air, contemplating the oh-so-painful decision of leaving the man who massacred her entire family (who is also coincidentally her lover) to die or not, it ENDS there. And the next few chapters were ALL extras and fillers and crap which don’t contribute much to the plot other than to frustrate the reader.
I am definitely NOT overreacting, for the next volume was entirely dedicated to stupid fillers about the queen and the reason for her twisted-ness, though pleasant and all; it does not help whatsoever in giving me the conclusion to the manga.
I think it’s because the mangaka realized that she was going to end her series, panicked and drew crap instead. The manga isn’t exactly realistic though, for the characters rely on brute strength and luck to win the war, instead of strategy and plans. The most pathetic of maneuvers are used. I guess you can really tell when its a shoujo manga.
I’m also currently waiting for the latest Naruto chapter to come out.
Whilst doing all this, I also watched Avatar: The Last Airbender. In truth, this series had potential, but the jokes were a little too slapstick and American and the way they use their skills is, frankly; disappointing. I mean, if you had the power to manipulate the four elements, I think more creative ways of use should have been invented.
I mean, just looking at the earth benders is obvious. Instead of merely raising bits of earth and kicking at it (which is what most earth benders do), why couldn’t they have manipulated earth to hold their victims down or sink them into quicksand or something, effectively cutting off all mobility. All they do is earthbend, kick, blunt force trauma. And when all of them face life threatening situations, I can’t help but scoff at either a) how illogical it is that they escape unscathed or b) their lousy use of available weapons.
Anime with cool use of available weapons are Full Metal Alchemist (<3!!!), Naruto, Pokemon Adventures and Soul Eater. You really go “omg, I didn’t think that was possible” in a good way when they think out of the box and completely surprise you with their resourcefulness. Or maybe I just like anime in which characters are intelligent and anticipate their enemies’ movement.... =.=
And yeah, Pokemon Adventures' one of them, as surprising as it may be. And Ruby and Sapphire in the manga is soooo cuutee!
If you manage to read this whole chunk of words about anime, congratulations! =D
7:54 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saw this and decided to post it:
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100?
We have all been to those meetings where someone wants over 100.
How about achieving 103? Here’s a little math that might prove helpful.
What makes life 100?
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11 = 98
11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 = 96
1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5 = 100
2 21 12 12 19 8 9 20 = 103
So, it stands to reason that hardwork and knowledge will get you close, attitude will get you there, but bullshit will put you over the top.
And look how far this will take you...
1 19 19 11 9 19 19 9 14 7 = 118
6:22 PM
I'm bored.
Actually, I still have a thousand and one things I'd like to do; but I have this nagging feeling that I need to DO something pertaining to education or something equally "beneficial". I would think it's my conscience but it died off years ago due to neglect. Hmm... Things to do.
1) All homework:
a) AMath
b) EMath
c) Physics
d) Bio
d) Chem
e) SS
f) ELit
g) English
2) NYP leftovers (from Jun Lin)
3)study pretend to study look at people studying
8:26 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I don't like it when people stare at me.
I mean, it's freaky and weird.
Don't they get it that it's really, really, really RUDE and completely unnerving.
Agh, I wish certain people would just STOP.
8:17 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Hrm.. some pix.
Actually, there's like more than enough pictures of everyone in Aryl's bbQ floating in Facebook space already. But really, after Friendster's traumatising move of deleting all my photos I'm thinking Backup's Good. =D
Also, getting a haircut.
So if look weird with a fringe... be nice. =(


8:07 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I guess I really know I'm back in KL when DiGi sms-es me 7 in the morning to tell me that my tenure has expired. And thus, wake me up. Last year, it was even worse; the time they sent the sms was 6a.m., on the dot; and successfully woke me up half an hour before I was supposed to. I was so tempted to send DiGi hate mail after that. Actually, I don't mind getting up at 7 in the morning; but yesterday (or is it today?) I actually slept at 3 something.
And it was all the photos fault, okay! The internet connection was being suspiciously laggy that time it took a long time for me to upload everything on facebook. Of course, I was also watching Naruto Shipuuden, that probably caused the connection to flag quite a bit... =) At the end, when I was done uploading and watching it was about 3.30. 0_o
So I'm awake with four hours of sleep, and cranky like hell. Especially when my parents insist on asking me questions I don't have the energy to answer. Really, sometimes being a light sleeper sucks. For one thing, just the other day I woke up at 2a.m. because of the new PRC scholars moving into Camille's and Joy's place. Granted, they were quite quiet; but once they opened the door, we kinda woke up already. And I really had to restrain myself from bursting to laughter when Ms. Yee frustatedly flipping the switches of Camille and Joy's study table because it couldn't work, though I suspect my lack of response was because I was half-dead from exhaustion.
By, the way, yesterday Aryl's BBQ party was fun-tastic. No uncooked food or anything, coz Aryl's house had this uber-genius gas based barbeque set; and it was so easy to cook everything properly. Met up with everybody again, Mei Yin cam-whored super often, and I played with her angel/devil hairbands. And posed, I admit (quite shamefully).
We also watched Gothika together, and it was totally NOT scary. Though Omar and the guys screamed on purpose to emulate Mei Yin and Shu Ting. Note, Mei Yin, Shu Ting and Wei Ann buried their heads in their arms whenever the music had a crescendo. Hao Yan latched onto my arm and screamed. All I did was stare unblinkingly at the screen as Halle Berry gave her continuous screams of absolute terror.
Also, Guitar Hero played a prominent part in entertaining us. I lost to Vincent twice, sadly. =( I can't help it that he's a Game Freak and I was playing it for the first time..... =.= At least, Wei Ann was thoroughly trashed as well.
Frankly, I took quite a few videos. Unfortunately, they take a hell lot of space; and I'm not going to upload them. >_> But deleting them's quite a waste considering how interesting some of them are. I was forced to delete one of the videos because it took over 400mb, killing my computer space and dwindling it down to 9Gigs. So yeah.
I'm just glad I'm not part of the clean-up crew.
And, oh, pictures? Later la.
8:25 AM
Erm.. The reason for my not uploading of photos yesterday was actually very, very simple. I was deprived of an internet connection.
I was in my cousin’s house (not that he didn’t have connection or anything but all he had was a land line - and it doesn’t work when connected to my laptop. 0_o) and my pen drives were deep inside the multitudes of bags that weighed down my dad’s car. Of course, requiring me to actually obtain the poor, elusive thing would require at the very least, a shovel and a flashlight. Or the kind of flashlight of which is attached to a helmet.
Thus, deciding to spare myself the unnecessary pain and torture to wade through my belongings; I refrained from going online. Of course this means no picture uploads.
A lot of pix today for Aryl's bbq as well! Most of them on facebook but I'll put up some on the next post.


Want more / better quality ones? Facebook's the answer. =)
12:06 AM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I forgot to mention that I had a trip to AMK Hub with Mr. Lawrence and the working section of my NYP team (Jun Lin & April). We were taken to Andersens after hanging about in front of the cinema and deciding what to do, of which has probably freaked out no certain amount of teenagers as we stood aimlessly in front of the “preview-tvs”. I glared at the High School Musical poster in an attempt to cause it to burst into flames, but to no avail; it ignored me and went on its merry way corrupting innocent minds with its inane plot and annoying characters. I would continue ranting about its evil-ness but I’m sure I’d be killed by certain people... =.=
Oh, back to the trip. The trip was the day before our O lvl MT paper, so we were subtly (at least, somewhat) nudged to go back and study asap. But being the angelic people we were, all three of us decided to accompany Mr. Lawrence for a longer period of time, completely forgoing our exams. Of course, this was done completely willingly, eagerly, even in fact. April and I had also lost half our vocabulary, of which conveniently includes the words “study, exams, books, revision”; thus making it an almost impossible task for Mr. Lawrence to convince us to prepare for the Os.
This event also included runaway strawberries, Belgian Chocolate, Mocha ice-cream and a very tempting crossiant.
And the next day, the MT paper; I actually consumed enough food to feed a starving third-world country for a week! I mean, I ate a heavy lunch at the "Makan di Sini" stall. You know, the same stall of which is super big in portion? Yeah, anyway, barely two hours after that, April's parents took me out to eat at Pizza Hut and I was subjected to another large meal. (Set meal of which consists of a gigantic beef lagsana, mushroom soup and coke) I guess it's people like me that made the poor Africans go hungry. >_>
Today has been a total bore. Especially during SS when all I wanted to do was go back and play computer. After all, it was just the day before when I had almost died for MT paper, O level to boot. And teachers expect us to study. >_> Right. I spent most of my SS peroid doodling on foolscap paper, only to have Mao modifying it artistically later on. My female character was armed (by him) with a Bazooka, a basket of grenades, attacked by Crows, grew pig snouts and were magically transformed in ghosts. So yeah.
I was also called “lag” today by James and Zhiling because apparently I’m slow in watching anime cause I’m only at ep 1 of Season 1 Gundam Seed 00. It’s not my fault, okay! I mean, I just started because of the strange obsession they had. =.= And yeah. It’s not my fault either that I find it hard to remember names. I mean, Zhiling and Zhen Ling sounded the same to me for the first month of the year.
PS: Putting up the pictures you guys took in class on Facebook... =)
7:21 PM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
*stolen from zhiling* =D
Shuffle your songlist according to question number.
#1- If someone asks "Are you okay"?
Answer- Faint (lol)
#2- How would you describe yourself?
Answer- Signal Fire (erm?)
#3- What do you like in a guy/girl?
Answer- Jaded (=.=)
#4- How do you feel today?
Answer- One Step Closer
#5- What's your life's purpose?
Answer- Disease (????)
#6- What is your motto?
Answer- Coco Jumbo (LOL)
#7- What do your friends think of you?
Answer- Hey Mama (o_0!!!!!!!!!)
#8- What do you think of your parents?
Answer- Ole ole ole (XD)
#9-What Do You Think Often?
Answer- Ode To My Family
#10- What is 2+2?
Answer- 100 Years (No wonder I die in Maths.. >_>)
#11- What do you think of your best friend?
Answer- Irresistable (ROFLMAO)
#12- What do you think of the person you like?
Answer- Break Me Shake Me (.... closet sadism?)
#13- What is your life story?
Answer- Spice up your Life (I'm surprised I still have this song.. So... yeah..)
#14- What do you want to be when you grow up?
Answer- Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy (WOAH. 0_0)
#15- What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Answer- Beautiful (... .... ...)
#16- What will you dance to at your wedding?
Answer- London Bridges (Fergie in a wedding? I don't think so.)
#17- How do you feel when you see the person you like?
Answer- Please Don't Stop The Music
#18- What will they play at your funeral?
Answer- U Remind Me (not bad, eh?)
#19- What is your hobby/interest?
Answer- Back Home (so true! my hobby is holing myself up!)
#20- What is your biggest fear?
Answer- Me Love
#21- What is your biggest secret?
Answer- Where'd you go
#22- What do you think of your friends?
Answer- The Rock Show
#23- What do you do when you're bored?
Answer- Empty
#24- What is your theme song?
Answer- I Just Wanna Live (... pft.)
#25- How's life treating you?
Answer- Crawling In The Dark (woah. just.. yeah)
#26- How do people at school see you?
Answer- Welcome To The Black Parade (=.=")
#27- How do strangers see you?
Answer- Ever Ever After (=X)
9:21 PM
MT paper was actually not bad.
Somehow I'll manage to flunk it though. (I'm just like that)
Erm. and it seems I'm gonna be able to make it for Youth Camp! (its 13 Dec, rite?)
So... Yew Juan, anyone?
6:54 PM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
So tomorrow’s O lvl mother tongue.
And I’d probably do quite badly.
I dun wanna drop HMT, so I better get an A...
And an A seems so far off, especially because of the essay part....
7:04 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I am now sick.
Like horribly, terribly, sniffly sick.
Since I woke up at 3a.m. due to my lovely cold until present moment, I am suffering from the lovely cold virus.
Of course, I doubt it has anything to do with the class outing of which I was severely drenched, but more to the fact that I slept in shorts when it rained super heavily. And serious, two blankets weren't enough! April would beg to differ though, she can sleep in sleeveless-Ts and emerge unharmed while I am forced to endure the symptoms of a mild pneumonia.
So O levels MT are coming up.. and I haven't prepared yet. At least, not really. I mean, if I have to refer to a dictionary every other minute to translate a certain word, I'm pretty sure I'm anything but ready.
Anyway, today at church we had a service titled Creationism Vs Evolutionism. It was an interesting topic, as I sorta go through a normal debate with certain people *cough* over it. However, the facts given weren't quite substantive and the preacher tended to revert to how believing in Evolutionism is actually refuting God's word, and it is therefore wrong. I wanted more concrete evidence so I could shoot back at everyone, but to no avail... Most things are based on faith, I guess; and it's hard to convince non-believers on something they completely do not believe it.
1) Noah's ark existed, cause of the great flood.
2) God made the world in 6 days, no compromise, no gap in time in between.
(sentence that to God, a day is thousand years is refuted by the Ten Commandments)
3) An ape-man skull was discovered, only to have the person who discovered it's son find a human skull dated way before that
4) The Earth is 6000 years old according to the bible
5) Carbon dating is only accurate in thousands of years
6) The formation of cliffs, of which actually give Scientists and Geologists the date of the Earth, has two theories:
a) Scientists: gradual formation formed after millions of years
b) Theologists: caused by a world-wide flood (Noah)
7) God created in order
a) Light
b) Sky and Sea
c) Land and Vegetation
d) Sun, moon and stars
e) Water creatures and birds
f) Animals, mankind
- Takes six days
a) Space (always there... but who created space?)
b) Big bang
c) Land was there before sea
d) Life started in sea (from where?)
e) Evolution caused by survival of the fittest
- Takes millions of years
This is interesting and all.. but I think I need to find a book on Creation Science and force myself to complete reading Darwin's Origin of Species before I can actually disprove it.






*credits at After-Eden
4:54 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Class outing aside, I managed to meet my juniors~! <3
Malaysian guy juniors, to be exact. They're all coming to S'pore next year, so their existence here will be quite inteeerresssting. There's, apparently; according to April, a mini Jun Lin and Zheng Dong in the two guys from Sri Sentosa. We actually met five of them. I shall list them according to their CCAs for sadly, I do not know their names. One, they didn't take it upon themselves to actually inform me. Two, I suck at remembering Chinese names.
1) Badminton (chinese debate?)
2) Ochestra
3) Swimming
4) Chess
5) Aquatic club (wth?)
Neways, it seems the guy whose in swimming club won in nationals or something. So we have some pretty "impressive" juniors. And they're quite excited, I guess. Though some of them seem to abhor the new hostel.
The new hostel.
On that subject, I would like to express my indubitable love for it! Not as gorgeous as Hwa Chong from the outside, but totally homesy and cutesy from the inside. Of course, I'm pretty sure my current description will fail to make anyone envy me. It ahs a fully air-conditioned computer lab, of which is large and roomy and ideal for my com-gaming. And the canteen is open at almost all times, so no going hungry in between-meals. Not that I do, but it's nice to know I could get proper food aside from the normal junk if I want to. The room is relatively large as well. Not sure about the showers and toilets.
However, despite the double bunk bed; of which I was not quite impressed by, it's tonnes better than what I expected. Than what I was told.
Which also brings me back to the heated debate the parents had (actually, to be specific, CERTAIN parents had) with each other. Note, this includes my very hot tempered father. According to my mum, they screamed at each other the previous night and she practically expecting a fist fight to break out. Note the second, the other party is somebody's very, very, very formidable mum. Do not underestimate her because she is a woman, for she has power like no other.
No joke.
Of course, everything they do for us is definitely out of worry for our safety, etc. But I wish that our parents could just let us be and trust us to be independent. After all, you don't see other non-Malaysian scholars gathering up a committee and organising meetings as such for the welfare of KL scholars. EVEN the Johor/Melaka scholars' parents don't do that. I guess us KL-ians are rather spoilt. Being in a hostel and all, is after all a definite downgrade from the ambience of home, not including the prejudice we occasionally face. But hey, at the very end; it's our choice, so we gotta suck up to it.
But yeah, the tour and the Q&A session was the reason why April and I were late.
9:08 AM
I dunno about the rest of you, but class outing ROCKED my SOCKS yesterday.
Of course, I was running around screaming my head off for the better part of the day; but you get the point.
I totally should get credits for thinking of using plastic cups as ammo for freezing cold water. =) And splashing innocent bystanders like Jun Yong and Liang Xin. And if I should count the amount of times my face was splashed while I was *innocently* refilling my artillery, I wouldn't be able to do so; seeing as the number of face-spashes was so numerous it has extended beyond human counting capability. Yeah. I also splashed James to the extent I was afraid that his PSP was soaked. I threw water at Tang Yang and Jolene whenever possible as well. (which is very, very often) And Darren(s) bombed me. Many, many times.
And I also managed to trick Priscilla THREE times that I had a waterbomb behind my back when all I had was bare hands. LOL.
Also, Hui Ting was damn funny yesterday, hiding at the barbeque pit so that she didn't get bombed. I tried, but Wei Kang managed to pour water down my shirt ANYWAY. (It was then when I was like shivering because I was bombed for consecutively three hours) Li Wen was like a monster unleasehed. She kept running around and bombing people like nobody's business. Fortunately, her victim was mostly Li Zhu, as he had apparently threw water on her firrst. XD
There was also the part where April, Hui Ting, Li Wen, Vanessa and I hiked up all the way to the annoyingly-far-toilet to refill the polyster box. Shi Li was cycling here and there, and we wanted to use her to pull the trolley full of water but she cycled off. =( And the toilet was... not a very clean place. I had to squat by the tap by the toilet bowl with all the disgusting STENCH to fill in the box. The things I do for a little bit of water fun. =.=
Even Xiao Qi was not spared as she went out for an outing with ODAC people and still managed to get bombed. I kindly splashed her legs. =D
Zhi Ling, Jia Yun, Chelsea and April were the driest of the lot (Darryl ran away with the bike), and I refrained from bombing them due to severe fear of repercussions. I'm admittedly scared of them when they get pissed off.
The food was good as well, for I got all the cooked chicken wings. Of course, they might be uncooked for all I know; as I was eating in the dark. I assume, however; if it's not bloody, it's cooked. No food poisoning... yet.
PS: I realised one thing from this class trip that's different from the usual water wars. We used plastic cups to splash water at people as well. And ICE-COLD water. So yeah.
8:51 AM