Thursday, October 22, 2009
9:52 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
must. resist. call. of. DS.
1:44 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A lot of things happened the past few days.
First off, yesterday, my childhood friend passed away.
It was very sudden and abrupt.
And I really don't want to talk about it more than that.
Previously, I visited VJC, and it set pretty high standards for NJC to beat if I'm ever going to make NJC my first choice. They really had a lot of school spirit, which was a huge plus factor.
For the next two days its going to be pretty hectic.
Tomorrow I'm going to HCI End of Year dinner, which requires formal wear. And I'll have to leave at about 4 which will totally eat up my whole day.
Day after I'm going to school for the graduation party at about 2-3 'cause I'm performing and it'll pretty much take up the whole day as well.
Day before O's, Shuk's coming and I'm dedicating that day to her.
Today I spent it looking for clothes/reading One Piece/staring blankly at SS model essays.
A good thing though, there is a small possibility that I can actually cinch that A1 for ELit if I relax.
I still think all the other times were flukes.
9:44 PM
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
noone's like blogging recently.
though not for studying purposes.
i realise if i don't blog,
i'll just slack off in other, weirder, dumber, inane ways.
And um
I'm graduating secondary school in two days time? Which is really really really really weird.
First of all, I kinda expected college life to be very carefree, with people wearing their own clothing and hair shades all colours of the rainbow. And I get to study a variety of subjects of which I actually enjoy. Then again, I'd probably go overseas to study for college, so the picture wasn't quite clear, considering two years ago, I didn't know exactly where i wanted to go.
But now, it's JC. With uniforms and a badge and school songs and stuff. Granted if I show up in school with brown hair on the first day, the teacher will let me off for the rest of the year; but it's still, school rules - and um, I kinda expected NOT to need to abide to them once I reach college life.
So, yeah.
But I guess what's more shocking is that I'm leaving secondary school life.
Which is really really really really really really really really really really freaky.
It seriously doesn't seem that long ago when I stepped foot into Xinmin, with lots of nervous energy; not knowing how things were. Especially because the previous environments I was in were rather enclosed. Like, my secondary school consisted of the same people from my primary school, and there was basically no change whatsoever in my lifestyle with sole exception of uniform colour.
I remember thinking how weird it was that everyone seemed to wear glasses and had the same hairstyle. If I'm not wrong, almost every girl had clipped up their fringe in the middle of their head and it looked really off to me. At home, nobody cared about their fringe, unless of course we were passing by the prefects spot check section. And the skirts! I was so unaccustomed to the skirts and the PE shorts (I used to wear slacks for PE) that I kept looking at my legs for the first few weeks, just to make sure they hadn't evolved into something else. Retarded, I know.
Okay, reminiscing aside.
So, we're leaving. And everyone's going their separate ways for real this time. And I don't just mean everyone in Xinmin, but even the people in KL. Some of my friends will probably go off to Australia (like I actually considered) to further studies or some random college whatever scholarship they applied for post them to. It's not going be the same again. EVER.
And it's not going to be easy making really close friends in JC, because face it; the time you have together in short. And you're sitting in lecture theatres, where everyone is either sleeping, or... sleeping. In that kind of intentionally isolated environment, I bet most of the friends people have in JC would probably be their secondary school friends.
It's really sad.
9:06 PM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It's a big blow to your ego when your favourite fanfic author is 15.
8:13 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
9:52 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
must. resist. call. of. DS.
1:44 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A lot of things happened the past few days.
First off, yesterday, my childhood friend passed away.
It was very sudden and abrupt.
And I really don't want to talk about it more than that.
Previously, I visited VJC, and it set pretty high standards for NJC to beat if I'm ever going to make NJC my first choice. They really had a lot of school spirit, which was a huge plus factor.
For the next two days its going to be pretty hectic.
Tomorrow I'm going to HCI End of Year dinner, which requires formal wear. And I'll have to leave at about 4 which will totally eat up my whole day.
Day after I'm going to school for the graduation party at about 2-3 'cause I'm performing and it'll pretty much take up the whole day as well.
Day before O's, Shuk's coming and I'm dedicating that day to her.
Today I spent it looking for clothes/reading One Piece/staring blankly at SS model essays.
A good thing though, there is a small possibility that I can actually cinch that A1 for ELit if I relax.
I still think all the other times were flukes.
9:44 PM
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
noone's like blogging recently.
though not for studying purposes.
i realise if i don't blog,
i'll just slack off in other, weirder, dumber, inane ways.
And um
I'm graduating secondary school in two days time? Which is really really really really weird.
First of all, I kinda expected college life to be very carefree, with people wearing their own clothing and hair shades all colours of the rainbow. And I get to study a variety of subjects of which I actually enjoy. Then again, I'd probably go overseas to study for college, so the picture wasn't quite clear, considering two years ago, I didn't know exactly where i wanted to go.
But now, it's JC. With uniforms and a badge and school songs and stuff. Granted if I show up in school with brown hair on the first day, the teacher will let me off for the rest of the year; but it's still, school rules - and um, I kinda expected NOT to need to abide to them once I reach college life.
So, yeah.
But I guess what's more shocking is that I'm leaving secondary school life.
Which is really really really really really really really really really really freaky.
It seriously doesn't seem that long ago when I stepped foot into Xinmin, with lots of nervous energy; not knowing how things were. Especially because the previous environments I was in were rather enclosed. Like, my secondary school consisted of the same people from my primary school, and there was basically no change whatsoever in my lifestyle with sole exception of uniform colour.
I remember thinking how weird it was that everyone seemed to wear glasses and had the same hairstyle. If I'm not wrong, almost every girl had clipped up their fringe in the middle of their head and it looked really off to me. At home, nobody cared about their fringe, unless of course we were passing by the prefects spot check section. And the skirts! I was so unaccustomed to the skirts and the PE shorts (I used to wear slacks for PE) that I kept looking at my legs for the first few weeks, just to make sure they hadn't evolved into something else. Retarded, I know.
Okay, reminiscing aside.
So, we're leaving. And everyone's going their separate ways for real this time. And I don't just mean everyone in Xinmin, but even the people in KL. Some of my friends will probably go off to Australia (like I actually considered) to further studies or some random college whatever scholarship they applied for post them to. It's not going be the same again. EVER.
And it's not going to be easy making really close friends in JC, because face it; the time you have together in short. And you're sitting in lecture theatres, where everyone is either sleeping, or... sleeping. In that kind of intentionally isolated environment, I bet most of the friends people have in JC would probably be their secondary school friends.
It's really sad.
9:06 PM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It's a big blow to your ego when your favourite fanfic author is 15.
8:13 PM