Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tomorrow going to school early tomorrow morning so that I can see all the teachers, which I actually haven't seen since I got my results. Kinda sad actually, and was feeling kinda ungrateful-ish considering that they've did so much to motivate and help me along throughout the years (two). If by some chance I get into VJC, I'll probably not going to have the chance to go back to school as often cause it's so far away unless of course it's gonna be some event like Homecoming day or something.
Which would be kinda annoying.
Because everybody is like going to crowd in school during those times, making it impossible to have any quality time whatsoever with any of the teachers.
It's also kinda convenient considering I can actually get my appeal form if I'm really desperate to get into my school of choice, which I seriously doubt I will.
0800 Hours tomorrow!
11:30 PM
Monday, January 25, 2010
I think.
I am.
Very disappointed.
Because for some reason, my method of escape isn't very effective.
I feel very dead now.
I shall try to feel better by thinking that things might look up.
5:02 PM
Discussed a bit on university of choice.
Ben Oh leaving KL to go to UK to study F&B management in Birmingham soon... And it's privately funded, so he needs a part time job; considering his boarding fees already reach about 2000 pounds per year. It just seems so real, now; that uni is lurking and I have to decide whether I really am serious about what I'm doing.
Because I haven't been.
I mean, compared to some; I might seem the straight-laced mugger - but really, I'm not. I don't put as much effort into studying as I do in other realms of interest. Heck, I might be more determined in doodling than in hitting the books. Even me choosing Victoria Jc is because I want a fun jc life, and today I realised how finnicky I really am.
For one thing, everyone I know make their choice on which education institute they are vying for based on prestige and the quality of education offered. I chose my jc because I thought it would be fun.
Maybe it's because I take it too much for granted that part of my tertiary education is covered???
And lots of people I know are aiming for national universities overseas, the ivy league, harvard, cambridge, yale, etc. etc. I never even dreamt of trying for any of the prominent jcs that intimidate me even through the tv screen, but now people around me are. So it's a bit of a shock, considering I even know someone who was accepted into Oxford but rejected the offer.
Bucking up required, perhaps?
ZJ proved the pythagorean theorem. Lol. Quite interesting la, the way he prove.... =D (I think he's bloody smart, considering how he invented it himself. I think? Makes me feel retarded only, with him taking Further Maths and all)
Step by step... (for you-know-who =D)

(It's a square within a square, fyi. My art sucks.)
Area of square
= (a+b)^2
= a^2 + b^2 +2ab
Area of triangles
= 1/2ab
Area of inverted square
= c^2
.: a^2 + b^2 + 2ab = 4(1/2ab) + c^2
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Cool right??
I totally didn't know it.
(Sorry la, stupid wat, =.=)
(see you @ the end of the year)
PS: you should totally have gone out with us today. DDD=
(if you ever read this, though I doubt you will)
hope to see you in UK! =D
1:31 AM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
According to CERTAIN PPL, pics must be put up in my blog. Of real people. That we personally know of. Because apparently, it's boring otherwise. And it's to keep record of stuff.

Dinner @ Solaris

Mei Yin turns legal! (like it's going to make much of a difference to all of us anyway... >_>)
Don't want to look for more pics already. Lazy. And paiseh la. So don't want...

Damn cute right??? I swear she was posing for me to take photo.
At least she doesn't shed when I scratch/pet her.
VICO TOTALLY DOES. And I like have hair on my palms sometimes. Which is kinda gross. So I have to shower after playing with her or generally avoid her.
Vico is all bark and no bite though. People generally call her super fierce, but she's like just a very good actress. When she sees us coming, she's suddenly the dutiful guard dog. REALLY! Bloody smart la.
9:17 PM
Saturday, January 23, 2010

VJC and Victoria Hall in aerial view.
(this is all provided i get in though, lol)
5:59 PM
Friday, January 22, 2010
almost forgot!
damn funny.
One of my childhood friend's mother was pushing him to "marry me" in the future, while his father was leaning towards another of my friend.
His identity shall not be divulged though, for privacy sakes.
10:45 AM
Just back from XXX with Kar Yee, Vincent, Fong and Michelle.
Kar Yee had this RM60 discount voucher for Boston so she couldn't like invite a lot of ppl and it was quite exclusive la. So we went there and there was free flow of red wine because it was LADIES' NIGHT. I suppose we must have looked quite mature la, considering they didn't even bother checking our IDS.
And the pricing was not bad, RM24 for lambchop with fries and veggies on the side, gorgeous mushroom soup with the most delicious of garlic bread and one of the most refreshing milk tea I have ever tasted. And oh, since we ordered the main dish, we got the wine. And there were three glasses for each of us.
So Michelle, being Miss Intelligent drank her glass, and proceeded to my half drunk one despite our many warnings about how her face was about to resemble a tomato and looked super drunk. I couldn't finish mine, hating the taste of alcohol (Yes, even Baileys which is practically vanilla malt with barely double digit alcohol).
We kept having waiters constantly visiting our table to refill our red wine, but only to walk away disappointed when they saw ours was still quite full. Was kinda funny watching waiters walking to and fro to our table.
Then we went to SOULED OUT for dessert. But before that we had to go to Cold Storage to make sure Michelle looked semi-decent and walked around for like half an hour to look for tea so that she could sober up. Which she kinda never drank. We were so scared she would puke in the car we made her sit by the window.
I had a Shirley Temple, Kar Yee a Virgin Margarita, Fong a Lemonade Berry, Vincent a Long Island and Michelle a cup of water that looked suspiciously as if it was taken from a fountain of drain water nearby. We played Bullshit there, which was kinda boring because me and Kar Yee kept winning first and we keep having to watch the other three fight amongst themselves. So it was decided that we drive round (decided without my consent, actually. i HATE travelling) AND we went all the way to Sunway and back.
(Hm, I sense a patttern...)
So weird. Like this time round I came back, kept imbibing in alcohol. Eventhough I kinda don't really like it. (acquired taste, maybe?) =.=.=.=.=
12:11 AM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
So I was on the way back from Shuk's house when my dad decided to tell me some stuff about his childhood, partly triggered by Mei yin's mention of her uncle in hotel management.
He told me that he and Meiyin's dad both skipped school, my dad; to go out and Meiyin's to go back to sleep. He also told me he got into a 3 day suspension because of a fight. Which theoretically didn't happen in all actuality.
It went like this;
There was a school bully who went around keeping true to his namesake. Unfortunately for him, one day; he picked the wrong victim. My dad's friend. So my dad, TYPICALLY confronted him and negotiated - to set a date and time to fight. SO. Rumors spread as rumors do and crowds of people gathered at the designated place to watch a potential bloodbath. My dad and his opponent, were just, um; late. So they weren't there when police swarmed over the scene and called up the school for investigation. The school found out soon enough and put my dad, the bully AND the victim on a three day suspension.
My dad and the victim went to watch movies for the entire three day suspension because of some half price thing.
My mum married a delinquent.
(Because they knew each other since they were like 15, in high school)
(I wonder if it's part of my genetic disposition)
FAN WENEEDTHENAME! It's AWESOME! (cuz we all know Shuk is awesome =DDD)
11:22 PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
(yeah, I hv major moodswings; but I really dun like to be upset for more than a few hours)
The reason why I failed is actually very very very stupid. I'd laugh it wasn't mean. Like hysterically. First of all, for all those who don't know what the driving exam is about, it's separated into two parts - Part II and Part III. Part I was a theory based exam that I already passed, Part II has three sections, uphill, side parking and three point turn. Part III in jalan raya (road?).
So anyway, I FAILED Part II at the uphill part. WhichmeansIdon'tgettoeventrysideparkingandthreepointturn. I was so shocked that I failed uphill, considering I've been practicing 999 billion times for it and have been quite pro at it for a while, both in the kancil and my dad's honda. I FLUNKED because I forgot to pull the handbrake. Which was because the examiner suddenly barked at me, "Jalan!" and I was so startled my brain couldn't operate to decipher what he said, so I let go of my brake by accident..... and the rest is history.
And the jalan raya section, I failed because of the stupidest reason of all. Remember my disastrous sense of direction? Of which I couldn't navigate my way out of a paper bag? And that I get lost is car parks? Well, I flunked jalan raya because I simply DID NOT KNOW THE WAY for route 1. I was so pissed at myself I started crying halfway when the instructor asked me to change seats with him. But he was quite nice la, he said that he could tell I'm experienced with cars because I drove quite well and I couldn't have failed had I knew the way.

I begged my dad to come pick me up from the testing area because I wanted to cry so badly I didn't want to make a scene in the van where 99.9% of the people there passed both sections. I waited so bloody long at the end I couldn't cry because I was completely dehydrated by the glaring heat.
(and oh, I met Jun Lin there. he has the P LICENSE NOW! so we can bug him to drive us around!)
seems like lots of people dunno I'm back in KL. And they just found out recently. 0_o
SO, gonna go out like everyday again for the next few days.
Provided of course, I don't get sick again. Which I kinda think is going to happen really soon.
The mangaka of Yakitake Japan started this manga on pediatricians which was kinda cool because you can see how the doctors there improvise and use pwnage techniques to save kiddies. Pediatricians are apparently the hardest kind of doctors because kids have fine veins and arteries, and their organs are all smaller than adult ones so a lot of precision is required. Also kiddies might not listen to the doctor, with some scared of needles or naturally defiant towards medical officers so pediatricians must also be able to placate the kiddies first
And apparently this manga was made due to the shortage of pediatricians in Japan recently.
Saijou no Meii

Also, Team Medical Dragon is another cool manga. I previously rejected it when I was like, 12; because there were nude scenes in the beginning and some parts were really graphic. But after reading Gantz, Beserk and other Seinen manga, this is like child's play. In this manga, the best doctors in Japan (kinda) gather to perform Batista, a heart operation in which an entire section of ventricular tissue without repairing the mitral valves. Which is kinda awesome.
Team Medical Dragon

4:46 PM
Shall not elucidate in case I provoke the return of suicidal notions and bouts of extreme self hatred.
Oh well.
12:25 PM
Monday, January 18, 2010
Can't wait for tomorrow to be over!
*crosses fingers*
4:13 PM
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Survived driving class again!
And today was especially awesome because we went ALL THE WAY TO BATU CAVES which is 99 billion light years away from Kepong. And I DROVE ALL THE WAY BACK even though there was a MASSIVE TRAFFIC JAM. (which means the instructor trusts me not to stall the car in the middle of the road!!!!)
I'm bloody happy because I managed to do uphill, side parking and three point turn and jalan raya and conquer the traffic jam with minimal insults from the monster (oops, instructor) next to me. =DDDD

And it turns out everybody and their grandmother's taking the test on 19th Jan, including but not limited to KC, Junlin, Joyce, Becca S, assorted fellow Kepong Driving Institution people.
I checked out Victoria JC website today (erm, a little later than I'm supposed to?) and found out XMS's virtual tour actually pwns
VJC's. So. Felt kinda sad after that.
A very, very side note. If you watched the Vampire's Assistant, or even read the Darren Shan books; you should really check Onemanga out, they have the manga based on the actual novel. Which I find quite interesting actually, despite the fact that the actual books make me want to claw my eyes out in boredom.


7:06 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010
obligatory blog post of today:
Simple reason actually, I finally feel very much cheered up after a certain thing that happened that which I should not mention otherwise tonnes of people would come after me with rusty butter knives.
First of all, I went jogging in DPC and I managed to jog one round without stopping (SUPER ACHIEVEMENT!) which made me really happy because I never exercised since, erm, PE ended. And I did the jogging with BLISTERY feet until my plasters sort of peeled off and my heel was kinda bleeding. So. Erm. Yeah. Rode a bike as well, which I found was super fun, because I haven't rode one in almost forever and was impressed I'm still kinda good at it. I think it's because of driving (lol) that improved my steering capabilities. I also talked to some random dog owners who had reallyreallyreally cute dogs.
This little doggie was like so excited, kept sniffing happily at everything. VERY CUTE LA. Almost as cute as Ellie when Shuk first got her! Almost.
I also went to Su & YJ's place for sleepover AGAIN which made me feel quite exuberant as well, considering I met quite a few people I haven't seen in a while. Got the chance to talk to Wynne and Tim, of which the former I hardly have the chance to - which had previously led to many a awkward silence. And Tim had lots of interesting stories about his Canadian teachers, which was really entertaining. Seriously, you cannot get bored around him. XD
Played rockband for hours, ate pasta, drank uberlicious coffee, had gorgeous cheesecake, and best of all, watched the slideshow of photos compiled by Su & YJ of us since we were like 12. It's damn fun seeing how much all of us changed.
ALSO got some medicine for my rashes, which was starting to itch so badly I was seriously considering scratching all my skin off with a sandpaper. Or some equivalent.

THEN I went shopping with my mum and dad, which was supposedly a reward for my results. (RETAIL THERAPY!!!) So, got my shoes and quite a few sets of clothes for bloody cheap, because we weren't allowed to try them on - and when I got back, they fit perfectly! SO. Kinda happy.
+ a few random other things that happen that are kinda pointless to blog about
and therefore equals, me => =DDDD
Driving class tomorrow again.
For anyone who cares:
9:45 PM
Friday, January 15, 2010
Just found the pink autograph book not too long ago and ALMOST CRIED.
I mean, I totally didn't know it was from 402, I thought it was some random book from MOE and didn't touch it until yesterday. Super sad la.
(and I realised almost everyone mentioned me and sports. 0_o!) <-- I'm planning to join modern dance or softball in VJC. =D
PS: @Van, the angel still looks like she has big boobs la.

PPS: I don't really get James' entry. =X
Anyway, yesterday was seriously a day of destiny.
'Cause I met five people that I totally didn't expect to meet on the way home.
First, I met Liangxin who was on the way to Kovan to go play pool. Which was totally shocking. It was damn funny because we both saw each other and stun for a while before finding out that the other is actually, erm, the other. Then we had this super awkward conversation before I left to take the Circle line.
THEN I met Yixin and Zhiwei. Sure, we stay within 100m of each other, but I didn't expect to take the same train with them to Bishan. Talked a little on the way there, and then parted ways. After that, I went to Novena square and was waiting for the bus when I met (the really hot guy from Catholic) Ji En there. Turns out that, he lives in Kepong too!!! (my seat was also COINCIDENTALLY next to him. and his parents were also from Penang. and we both got the same O level results. and he'll probably go to the same jc as i will.)
LASTLY, I met the guy from HC who studies at Bukit Panjang AGAIN, after meeting him the previous day. He's the guy who emceed National Day with April that one time, and I was taking the same bus with him!!! Granted, I've seen him a few times in 1U when we went bowling, but didn't expect to see him again! So funny la.
AND since Sharon checks my blog, I quote; "an average of 4 times a day" I'm supposedly obligated to update once a day. 0_o
12:55 PM
Monday, January 11, 2010
I got my O's results... and the world still continues revolving on its axis. So.
Pretty uneventful la.
Don't have much to blog, really.
Like the fact that I'll probably see every scholar who got above 6A1s in VJC because there's really no bleeding other place to go. And how it doesn't matter if you got 6A1s, 4F9s or 9A1s, 1A2 because you're going to end up there anyway, since RJCandHCJConlyaccept10A1sscholars.
So yeah.
I hope that April manages to overpower Mdm Liew and come to VJC, because otherwise I'm going to be veryvery sad there.
402 rocks!
(Top student from CHIJ St Nick again, with 44 students nationwide scoring 9A1s CNA)
8:14 PM
Erm, okay.
I just dreamt that my L1R5 reached 32.
10:48 AM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Do I see WWIII lurking in the horizon?
Maybe, maybe not- depending on whether our international friends are going to stick their noses in.
7:14 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010
Generally, I kinda always have fun as long as people are around. 0.o
BUT. quite worried that during the 14th-26th break will be quite alone since everyone's starting college on the 11th. DDDD=
noooooo.. >_<
11:26 PM
I hate waiting.
Like now, I feel so frustrated. I know that the day to getting our results back is so close by, and despite me dreading/hating it - I can't help but want to get over it. I keep thinking about it, to the extent I actually cannot enjoy anything I've been doing today. Which kinda pisses me off. >_<
And I'm damn scared of going to school on Monday. It's like at a very retarded time, 2 pm; which means we have hours of agonizing once we wake up. Which is why I really really hope we have a class gathering before we take our results, and we go to school together - so I get slightly distracted from the fact that we're finally getting the results of the exams we've been studying for for four years.
Bloodybloody hell.

I'm also going to be in KL way longer than I thought. Apparently, I can leave after getting my results on 14th till 26th which is kinda cool since it'll mean I can celebrate Mei Yin's birthday (unfortunately missing both CX and Omar's) and go for YJ and Suzanna's sleepover AND have ample time to prepare for driving test. But otherwise, I think I might just rot in boredom if I don't go out everyday.
Because for the past three days I've only gone out like part of the day, in the morning, and back in the afternoon, or in the evening and home the rest of the time. Worse still, because school started, I'm left alone - and I feel really really bored.
AND I keep hearing people talking about how college was, which sounds really interesting.......
Maybe I'll go back early, like after Mei Yin's birthday - I have like tonnes of things I'm supposed to do with Sharon anyway. =///
On a side note, it seems that the new juniors are quite interesting, can't wait to meet them!
4:53 PM
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Drove dad's car yesterday, the manual Honda. Quite fun la, dad says I have a good control of the clutch, which is miraculous in itself because his car's clutch is very deep inside and very hard to press. My legs hurt after like half an hour because my heel wasn't on the ground and I had to support the weight of my leg while controlling the pressure on the clutch. Dad initially didn't want me to drive his car because it had too much power, and every slight mistake with the clutch would cause the car to jerk and stall. Butttt he gave in finally.

Manual driving is funn.
Had SATAY yesterday... =DDD
And skyped with brother just to show him the peanut sauce drenched, juicy satay through the webcam. Think it's cool that we've gotten kinda close after we all went overseas. And he's totally having the time of his life la, with him being in London, the city where almost everything happens (in the EU I mean) and having student discounts left right centre.
He even bought me a DKNY bag costing RM300. =.=
He also said that London's academical approach is boring, which is understandable; since it's the very model all Commonwealth countries (A.K.A _us_) follow. But he didn't mind beause, I quote; "I'm too lazy to prepare before the lesson."
Okay, I totally would; too. But I wouldn't have forgone an entire country just because of laziness. =/////
And with his qualifications, he could totally have gone to many US unis with ease la. I suppose that LSE isn't bad in itself, being rather prestigious as well - so I can't really say anything.
World's Strictest Parents
At least, watch for the Brit accent!!!!
2:09 PM
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
10:39 PM
Had a nice lunch with the Sees today and talked over which uni I would want to go to.
Because apparently, US's educational system is less rigid, more interactive than the British ones. According to YJ, students actually prepare for the class beforehand and throughout the entire lesson, they discuss and debate the subject with the lecturer. Which sounds pretty fun, compared to the normal lecture system in which teachers drone and students groan. Provided they're even awake to do so. (which I completely resolve to be, the entire next year!)
Anyway, I really love the Sees because they always give good advice without it sounding of preachy or naggy; but just in an adult to adult sort of way. And they still take note of what we all do, eventhough they aren't in charge of us anymore.
Oh, going to Youth this week. Feel kinda nervous because I haven't really met the new DG leaders yet. As in, haven't met them since they were made DG leaders. Aside from the time where I saw them pray for the SPM takers, but that doesn't really count.

Feel really regretful that I couldn't meet up with Dev before she went back to England, with her trip with BeccaSee, Hazel and Joel Foong just because my parents had an appointment. >_<
By the way, communication is seriously the most important key to everything. Really really really. I thought that Shuk was like pissed at me for something because she didn't ask me to Singapore with her for new year's countdown. She thought I was pissed with her because she asked me to lend her my phone. In truth, she did ask me, many months ago such that I forgot! And I wasn't pissed at her at all, just that my message didn't get through when I sms-ed her.
6:35 PM
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Search for a second earth
I think it's funny how humans, having already destroyed(ing) one planet, is looking for another to inhabit. Because face it, humans are essentially parasites. We don't do much to contribute the environment, but we search for all ways to exploit every resource it possesses, destroying many other lives in the process.
Anyway, watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus today. It's very fantasy-ish; as in more so than any fantasy film I ever watched, which is pretty much a lot. It wasn't terrible, I guess - but the ending leaves much to be desired; and there doesn't seem to be much plot. I suppose the main saving grace is because the movie had two incredible people in it, JOHNNY DEPP and ANDREW GARFIELD.

If you're guy I guess you can stare at Lily Cole (the model) and her, I quote; "well proportioned boobs".

And oh, it's the last movie Heath Ledger's gonna star at, since he died in the middle of filming it - so I suppose that's a movie that should be watched. They made the Heath Ledger > Johnny Depp > Colin Farell > Jude Law actor switch seem very natural, so I really applaud the director.


Andrew Garfield here. =D
Jude Law is still the best though. (though I didn't notice it was him in the movie!!!!)

(Andrew Garfield in drag is pretty. Like serious.)
Two things that were never solved:
1. Symbols on head
2. Anklet on leg
10:13 PM
I wrote this really long post about JC/unis and I realised I can't say anything about anything at all because I haven't gotten my results and I probably won't qualify for the school I want to go to anyway so I deleted it.
10:25 AM
Monday, January 4, 2010
Mash up 2009
For all music lovers!
The mash up of the 25 pop hits of 2009!
(still starstruck by Jude Law's awesomeness)
1:19 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
11:38 PM
I have six piercings now!
The mild pain was totally worth it when I saw my parents' face when they saw it. They said that they felt their ears burning just looking at me. Of course, it must be noted that my mother herself has quite a number of piercings. >_>
Now, it seems, that they actually allow us to pay for single side piercings, something that I've been trying to get like forever. But since I was at my fourth, might as well make it a nice, even number.
I think its really annoying how I got my piercings when the holidays are almost ending; which means the one week healing time will extend into the time of which I need to go back to school. Hopefully, nobody will bother looking at my ears as I put on some really obscure earstuds people can't see unless they squint. Anyway, there's no chance I'll be on stage so I don't have to subject myself to public scrutiny.
And I can drive an auto smoothly now. Note, auto. So much so, I got so bored (my mum's auto can't go fast) and felt drowsy in less than half an hour. A manual gives more of a challenge, I think. You have to pay more attention to the driving; and I think there's just something really fun when you change your gear; like this smooth movement when you press onto the clutch, adjust your gear and slowly let go of the clutch. It's like a dance move or something, fluid and graceful - forgive my lousy similes.
I'm taking my driving exam on the 19th of Jan; which by then, I'll hopefully be back in KL. And have taken a few driving lessons prior to that. I refuse to face the complete and utter embarrassment of flunking practicals. I remember once 5S had this "Hall of Failures" board which recorded those who failed their practicals and the number of times. That was hilarious.
It's also a pain to register for another exam day, practise for a few days, pay an additional few hundred bucks and THEN take the exam again. And I always feel as if I do worse on retakes, as if there's this subtle pressure prodding at me; that I can't fail again. STRESS.
But hey, as of now; I'm totally laidback - relaxing and enjoying life.
(Of course, if you don't count the skin rash I'm developing recently from some sort of food I'm supposedly averse to of which I have NO IDEA whatsoever of it's identity.)
Oh btw, if you read fanfic, you should take note that the Economist actually highlighted a fanfic by ObsidianEmbrace, "Lily's Charm" of which is a SS/LE fic. I think it's kinda interesting, so checking it out. BUT, if you're squicky against Severus Snape, don't read it.
Also, starting Legacy of Ys in DS. Don't think I'll ever finish it - looks like a bloody long/epic one.
(I'm such a RPG freak >_<)
11:31 AM
Friday, January 1, 2010
(Huh, I'm 18 this year!) <--- w00t!
I'm so excited for 2010.
It marks like the first step towards actually growing up... at least, to me.
Because, I've been waiting for forever for college ever since I've read stuff from Sweet Valley when I was like 9.
Okay, so I doubt college's going to be anything like all the books with all the fraternities and sorority parties and activities and stuff; considering where I'm going is a JUNIOR COLLEGE of which is practically just an extension of secondary school. Since we have uniform and rules of all sorts and all. =///
It's still college, and regulations and stuff should slacken (they must!) and although A levels will probably be the toughest exam I will ever sit for in my entire life (says mum and dad), I should be optimistic towards the upcoming year!
And I finally decided I'll be doing halfies for A levels. (if MOE permits. ; _ ;) Like half Arts and Science; because according to parental opinion; it seems that it'd be impossible for me to switch to Science if I did Arts in A Levels, should I want to in future. Anyway, my Sciences aren't half bad, so I don't really mind - as long as I don't have to take Physics.
I'm still thinking of doing law but my dad kept telling me how he thinks that a lawyer's job sucks and that he has never met a lawyer happy with his job. Of course, he stressed; "in Malaysia." True, it's because of how unscrupulous and unethical Malaysian courts are and how they are so easily manipulated by money and political power. As such, most lawyers face pointless trials, everchanging "laws" and a history of corruption and self-destruction.
Thing is, I've never really wanted to work in Malaysia. Yes, I love KL and everyone in it - but to actually live here... not really. Still, it's aeons away, and something I really don't want to contemplate at present moment. (anyway, parents have been heavily hinting of several countries with good job prospects already)
Also, law is just a tentative choice, considering I know that lots of people are planning to dabble in it; and I really don't want to face so much competition in the job market. (lazy!)
Btw, did everyone know that Malaysia is one of the few countries that refuse 18 year olds voting rights? I didn't. I totally thought it was commonly practised around the world. (I know Singapore's 21 as well) But my dad said that it's because the government believes that adults of that age are still antiestablishment, and that would threaten their position; considering how youths make a huge percentage of the population.
I think my dad is a walking encyclopedia.
Serious, when I read that in WWI, during Christmas Eve, the English and the Germans actually stopped war momentarily and exchanged ciggarettes as christmas gifts and told him he was like "Yeah, I read an article about it," and started spouting off facts. =.=
I think it's totally time for me to a more responsible person.
I mean, it was kinda overboard for me to still play computer games during Os.
And I'm like ancient already, so I should start acting slightly more mature soon...
Oh, btw; I still find it amusing when someone tells me they've been stuck in a jam from 2009 to 2010. >_<
7:02 PM
1:16 AM
Okay, so for the first one hour I was bored out of my brains and felt like going home and was only prevented from going home because my parents wanted to see the fireworks when I met up with them later on.
So, my dad went back home to get a flysheet, some stuff to munch on and H20 as we sat by the lake. My mum trudged to jusco to get some snacks. I sat by the "hill" just staring at the lake quite peacefully until....
Bryan, Ravin, Keith, JieYang, Janssen and KamWhye joined me. (My mum was like "Why are your friends all guys?")
- One thing about the guys is that THEY ALWAYS MAKE ME FEEL AT HOME. Like to them, I never left. And secondly, they are MAJOR entertainment; I swear, I almost died laughing at/with Bryan.
Hung out with them for like half an hour before was joined by SueSan, CX and gang, then parted. Walked around aimlessly, got heels stuck in mud, screamed spontaneously at random intervals, sprayed fake snow and string at each other.
Watched the fireworks, screamed and played some more and went home.
Thus ends my super condensed version of Countdown 2010.
This group of guys randomly sprayed snow at me. WTH LAH, SUPER LOSERS.
But really, I dunno whether I know them or not, because I was too busy freaking out at the fact I got fake snow everywhere. And by everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE.
Well, I can always count on the fact that nothing's ever dull in KL.
Pix should be up on Facebook soon.
Oh, btw, I was thinking of quitting facebook in a while. It's kinda overcrowded, overrated and infested with little kiddies now. I'm hoping for a new social networking site soon. It'll probably pop up in a few months time, considering the same way how Friendster lost its popularity; though admittedly it was because weird strangers kept posting semi-porn stuff on my page.
1:15 AM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tomorrow going to school early tomorrow morning so that I can see all the teachers, which I actually haven't seen since I got my results. Kinda sad actually, and was feeling kinda ungrateful-ish considering that they've did so much to motivate and help me along throughout the years (two). If by some chance I get into VJC, I'll probably not going to have the chance to go back to school as often cause it's so far away unless of course it's gonna be some event like Homecoming day or something.
Which would be kinda annoying.
Because everybody is like going to crowd in school during those times, making it impossible to have any quality time whatsoever with any of the teachers.
It's also kinda convenient considering I can actually get my appeal form if I'm really desperate to get into my school of choice, which I seriously doubt I will.
0800 Hours tomorrow!
11:30 PM
Monday, January 25, 2010
I think.
I am.
Very disappointed.
Because for some reason, my method of escape isn't very effective.
I feel very dead now.
I shall try to feel better by thinking that things might look up.
5:02 PM
Discussed a bit on university of choice.
Ben Oh leaving KL to go to UK to study F&B management in Birmingham soon... And it's privately funded, so he needs a part time job; considering his boarding fees already reach about 2000 pounds per year. It just seems so real, now; that uni is lurking and I have to decide whether I really am serious about what I'm doing.
Because I haven't been.
I mean, compared to some; I might seem the straight-laced mugger - but really, I'm not. I don't put as much effort into studying as I do in other realms of interest. Heck, I might be more determined in doodling than in hitting the books. Even me choosing Victoria Jc is because I want a fun jc life, and today I realised how finnicky I really am.
For one thing, everyone I know make their choice on which education institute they are vying for based on prestige and the quality of education offered. I chose my jc because I thought it would be fun.
Maybe it's because I take it too much for granted that part of my tertiary education is covered???
And lots of people I know are aiming for national universities overseas, the ivy league, harvard, cambridge, yale, etc. etc. I never even dreamt of trying for any of the prominent jcs that intimidate me even through the tv screen, but now people around me are. So it's a bit of a shock, considering I even know someone who was accepted into Oxford but rejected the offer.
Bucking up required, perhaps?
ZJ proved the pythagorean theorem. Lol. Quite interesting la, the way he prove.... =D (I think he's bloody smart, considering how he invented it himself. I think? Makes me feel retarded only, with him taking Further Maths and all)
Step by step... (for you-know-who =D)

(It's a square within a square, fyi. My art sucks.)
Area of square
= (a+b)^2
= a^2 + b^2 +2ab
Area of triangles
= 1/2ab
Area of inverted square
= c^2
.: a^2 + b^2 + 2ab = 4(1/2ab) + c^2
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Cool right??
I totally didn't know it.
(Sorry la, stupid wat, =.=)
(see you @ the end of the year)
PS: you should totally have gone out with us today. DDD=
(if you ever read this, though I doubt you will)
hope to see you in UK! =D
1:31 AM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
According to CERTAIN PPL, pics must be put up in my blog. Of real people. That we personally know of. Because apparently, it's boring otherwise. And it's to keep record of stuff.

Dinner @ Solaris

Mei Yin turns legal! (like it's going to make much of a difference to all of us anyway... >_>)
Don't want to look for more pics already. Lazy. And paiseh la. So don't want...

Damn cute right??? I swear she was posing for me to take photo.
At least she doesn't shed when I scratch/pet her.
VICO TOTALLY DOES. And I like have hair on my palms sometimes. Which is kinda gross. So I have to shower after playing with her or generally avoid her.
Vico is all bark and no bite though. People generally call her super fierce, but she's like just a very good actress. When she sees us coming, she's suddenly the dutiful guard dog. REALLY! Bloody smart la.
9:17 PM
Saturday, January 23, 2010

VJC and Victoria Hall in aerial view.
(this is all provided i get in though, lol)
5:59 PM
Friday, January 22, 2010
almost forgot!
damn funny.
One of my childhood friend's mother was pushing him to "marry me" in the future, while his father was leaning towards another of my friend.
His identity shall not be divulged though, for privacy sakes.
10:45 AM
Just back from XXX with Kar Yee, Vincent, Fong and Michelle.
Kar Yee had this RM60 discount voucher for Boston so she couldn't like invite a lot of ppl and it was quite exclusive la. So we went there and there was free flow of red wine because it was LADIES' NIGHT. I suppose we must have looked quite mature la, considering they didn't even bother checking our IDS.
And the pricing was not bad, RM24 for lambchop with fries and veggies on the side, gorgeous mushroom soup with the most delicious of garlic bread and one of the most refreshing milk tea I have ever tasted. And oh, since we ordered the main dish, we got the wine. And there were three glasses for each of us.
So Michelle, being Miss Intelligent drank her glass, and proceeded to my half drunk one despite our many warnings about how her face was about to resemble a tomato and looked super drunk. I couldn't finish mine, hating the taste of alcohol (Yes, even Baileys which is practically vanilla malt with barely double digit alcohol).
We kept having waiters constantly visiting our table to refill our red wine, but only to walk away disappointed when they saw ours was still quite full. Was kinda funny watching waiters walking to and fro to our table.
Then we went to SOULED OUT for dessert. But before that we had to go to Cold Storage to make sure Michelle looked semi-decent and walked around for like half an hour to look for tea so that she could sober up. Which she kinda never drank. We were so scared she would puke in the car we made her sit by the window.
I had a Shirley Temple, Kar Yee a Virgin Margarita, Fong a Lemonade Berry, Vincent a Long Island and Michelle a cup of water that looked suspiciously as if it was taken from a fountain of drain water nearby. We played Bullshit there, which was kinda boring because me and Kar Yee kept winning first and we keep having to watch the other three fight amongst themselves. So it was decided that we drive round (decided without my consent, actually. i HATE travelling) AND we went all the way to Sunway and back.
(Hm, I sense a patttern...)
So weird. Like this time round I came back, kept imbibing in alcohol. Eventhough I kinda don't really like it. (acquired taste, maybe?) =.=.=.=.=
12:11 AM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
So I was on the way back from Shuk's house when my dad decided to tell me some stuff about his childhood, partly triggered by Mei yin's mention of her uncle in hotel management.
He told me that he and Meiyin's dad both skipped school, my dad; to go out and Meiyin's to go back to sleep. He also told me he got into a 3 day suspension because of a fight. Which theoretically didn't happen in all actuality.
It went like this;
There was a school bully who went around keeping true to his namesake. Unfortunately for him, one day; he picked the wrong victim. My dad's friend. So my dad, TYPICALLY confronted him and negotiated - to set a date and time to fight. SO. Rumors spread as rumors do and crowds of people gathered at the designated place to watch a potential bloodbath. My dad and his opponent, were just, um; late. So they weren't there when police swarmed over the scene and called up the school for investigation. The school found out soon enough and put my dad, the bully AND the victim on a three day suspension.
My dad and the victim went to watch movies for the entire three day suspension because of some half price thing.
My mum married a delinquent.
(Because they knew each other since they were like 15, in high school)
(I wonder if it's part of my genetic disposition)
FAN WENEEDTHENAME! It's AWESOME! (cuz we all know Shuk is awesome =DDD)
11:22 PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
(yeah, I hv major moodswings; but I really dun like to be upset for more than a few hours)
The reason why I failed is actually very very very stupid. I'd laugh it wasn't mean. Like hysterically. First of all, for all those who don't know what the driving exam is about, it's separated into two parts - Part II and Part III. Part I was a theory based exam that I already passed, Part II has three sections, uphill, side parking and three point turn. Part III in jalan raya (road?).
So anyway, I FAILED Part II at the uphill part. WhichmeansIdon'tgettoeventrysideparkingandthreepointturn. I was so shocked that I failed uphill, considering I've been practicing 999 billion times for it and have been quite pro at it for a while, both in the kancil and my dad's honda. I FLUNKED because I forgot to pull the handbrake. Which was because the examiner suddenly barked at me, "Jalan!" and I was so startled my brain couldn't operate to decipher what he said, so I let go of my brake by accident..... and the rest is history.
And the jalan raya section, I failed because of the stupidest reason of all. Remember my disastrous sense of direction? Of which I couldn't navigate my way out of a paper bag? And that I get lost is car parks? Well, I flunked jalan raya because I simply DID NOT KNOW THE WAY for route 1. I was so pissed at myself I started crying halfway when the instructor asked me to change seats with him. But he was quite nice la, he said that he could tell I'm experienced with cars because I drove quite well and I couldn't have failed had I knew the way.

I begged my dad to come pick me up from the testing area because I wanted to cry so badly I didn't want to make a scene in the van where 99.9% of the people there passed both sections. I waited so bloody long at the end I couldn't cry because I was completely dehydrated by the glaring heat.
(and oh, I met Jun Lin there. he has the P LICENSE NOW! so we can bug him to drive us around!)
seems like lots of people dunno I'm back in KL. And they just found out recently. 0_o
SO, gonna go out like everyday again for the next few days.
Provided of course, I don't get sick again. Which I kinda think is going to happen really soon.
The mangaka of Yakitake Japan started this manga on pediatricians which was kinda cool because you can see how the doctors there improvise and use pwnage techniques to save kiddies. Pediatricians are apparently the hardest kind of doctors because kids have fine veins and arteries, and their organs are all smaller than adult ones so a lot of precision is required. Also kiddies might not listen to the doctor, with some scared of needles or naturally defiant towards medical officers so pediatricians must also be able to placate the kiddies first
And apparently this manga was made due to the shortage of pediatricians in Japan recently.
Saijou no Meii

Also, Team Medical Dragon is another cool manga. I previously rejected it when I was like, 12; because there were nude scenes in the beginning and some parts were really graphic. But after reading Gantz, Beserk and other Seinen manga, this is like child's play. In this manga, the best doctors in Japan (kinda) gather to perform Batista, a heart operation in which an entire section of ventricular tissue without repairing the mitral valves. Which is kinda awesome.
Team Medical Dragon

4:46 PM
Shall not elucidate in case I provoke the return of suicidal notions and bouts of extreme self hatred.
Oh well.
12:25 PM
Monday, January 18, 2010
Can't wait for tomorrow to be over!
*crosses fingers*
4:13 PM
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Survived driving class again!
And today was especially awesome because we went ALL THE WAY TO BATU CAVES which is 99 billion light years away from Kepong. And I DROVE ALL THE WAY BACK even though there was a MASSIVE TRAFFIC JAM. (which means the instructor trusts me not to stall the car in the middle of the road!!!!)
I'm bloody happy because I managed to do uphill, side parking and three point turn and jalan raya and conquer the traffic jam with minimal insults from the monster (oops, instructor) next to me. =DDDD

And it turns out everybody and their grandmother's taking the test on 19th Jan, including but not limited to KC, Junlin, Joyce, Becca S, assorted fellow Kepong Driving Institution people.
I checked out Victoria JC website today (erm, a little later than I'm supposed to?) and found out XMS's virtual tour actually pwns
VJC's. So. Felt kinda sad after that.
A very, very side note. If you watched the Vampire's Assistant, or even read the Darren Shan books; you should really check Onemanga out, they have the manga based on the actual novel. Which I find quite interesting actually, despite the fact that the actual books make me want to claw my eyes out in boredom.


7:06 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010
obligatory blog post of today:
Simple reason actually, I finally feel very much cheered up after a certain thing that happened that which I should not mention otherwise tonnes of people would come after me with rusty butter knives.
First of all, I went jogging in DPC and I managed to jog one round without stopping (SUPER ACHIEVEMENT!) which made me really happy because I never exercised since, erm, PE ended. And I did the jogging with BLISTERY feet until my plasters sort of peeled off and my heel was kinda bleeding. So. Erm. Yeah. Rode a bike as well, which I found was super fun, because I haven't rode one in almost forever and was impressed I'm still kinda good at it. I think it's because of driving (lol) that improved my steering capabilities. I also talked to some random dog owners who had reallyreallyreally cute dogs.
This little doggie was like so excited, kept sniffing happily at everything. VERY CUTE LA. Almost as cute as Ellie when Shuk first got her! Almost.
I also went to Su & YJ's place for sleepover AGAIN which made me feel quite exuberant as well, considering I met quite a few people I haven't seen in a while. Got the chance to talk to Wynne and Tim, of which the former I hardly have the chance to - which had previously led to many a awkward silence. And Tim had lots of interesting stories about his Canadian teachers, which was really entertaining. Seriously, you cannot get bored around him. XD
Played rockband for hours, ate pasta, drank uberlicious coffee, had gorgeous cheesecake, and best of all, watched the slideshow of photos compiled by Su & YJ of us since we were like 12. It's damn fun seeing how much all of us changed.
ALSO got some medicine for my rashes, which was starting to itch so badly I was seriously considering scratching all my skin off with a sandpaper. Or some equivalent.

THEN I went shopping with my mum and dad, which was supposedly a reward for my results. (RETAIL THERAPY!!!) So, got my shoes and quite a few sets of clothes for bloody cheap, because we weren't allowed to try them on - and when I got back, they fit perfectly! SO. Kinda happy.
+ a few random other things that happen that are kinda pointless to blog about
and therefore equals, me => =DDDD
Driving class tomorrow again.
For anyone who cares:
9:45 PM
Friday, January 15, 2010
Just found the pink autograph book not too long ago and ALMOST CRIED.
I mean, I totally didn't know it was from 402, I thought it was some random book from MOE and didn't touch it until yesterday. Super sad la.
(and I realised almost everyone mentioned me and sports. 0_o!) <-- I'm planning to join modern dance or softball in VJC. =D
PS: @Van, the angel still looks like she has big boobs la.

PPS: I don't really get James' entry. =X
Anyway, yesterday was seriously a day of destiny.
'Cause I met five people that I totally didn't expect to meet on the way home.
First, I met Liangxin who was on the way to Kovan to go play pool. Which was totally shocking. It was damn funny because we both saw each other and stun for a while before finding out that the other is actually, erm, the other. Then we had this super awkward conversation before I left to take the Circle line.
THEN I met Yixin and Zhiwei. Sure, we stay within 100m of each other, but I didn't expect to take the same train with them to Bishan. Talked a little on the way there, and then parted ways. After that, I went to Novena square and was waiting for the bus when I met (the really hot guy from Catholic) Ji En there. Turns out that, he lives in Kepong too!!! (my seat was also COINCIDENTALLY next to him. and his parents were also from Penang. and we both got the same O level results. and he'll probably go to the same jc as i will.)
LASTLY, I met the guy from HC who studies at Bukit Panjang AGAIN, after meeting him the previous day. He's the guy who emceed National Day with April that one time, and I was taking the same bus with him!!! Granted, I've seen him a few times in 1U when we went bowling, but didn't expect to see him again! So funny la.
AND since Sharon checks my blog, I quote; "an average of 4 times a day" I'm supposedly obligated to update once a day. 0_o
12:55 PM
Monday, January 11, 2010
I got my O's results... and the world still continues revolving on its axis. So.
Pretty uneventful la.
Don't have much to blog, really.
Like the fact that I'll probably see every scholar who got above 6A1s in VJC because there's really no bleeding other place to go. And how it doesn't matter if you got 6A1s, 4F9s or 9A1s, 1A2 because you're going to end up there anyway, since RJCandHCJConlyaccept10A1sscholars.
So yeah.
I hope that April manages to overpower Mdm Liew and come to VJC, because otherwise I'm going to be veryvery sad there.
402 rocks!
(Top student from CHIJ St Nick again, with 44 students nationwide scoring 9A1s CNA)
8:14 PM
Erm, okay.
I just dreamt that my L1R5 reached 32.
10:48 AM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Do I see WWIII lurking in the horizon?
Maybe, maybe not- depending on whether our international friends are going to stick their noses in.
7:14 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010
Generally, I kinda always have fun as long as people are around. 0.o
BUT. quite worried that during the 14th-26th break will be quite alone since everyone's starting college on the 11th. DDDD=
noooooo.. >_<
11:26 PM
I hate waiting.
Like now, I feel so frustrated. I know that the day to getting our results back is so close by, and despite me dreading/hating it - I can't help but want to get over it. I keep thinking about it, to the extent I actually cannot enjoy anything I've been doing today. Which kinda pisses me off. >_<
And I'm damn scared of going to school on Monday. It's like at a very retarded time, 2 pm; which means we have hours of agonizing once we wake up. Which is why I really really hope we have a class gathering before we take our results, and we go to school together - so I get slightly distracted from the fact that we're finally getting the results of the exams we've been studying for for four years.
Bloodybloody hell.

I'm also going to be in KL way longer than I thought. Apparently, I can leave after getting my results on 14th till 26th which is kinda cool since it'll mean I can celebrate Mei Yin's birthday (unfortunately missing both CX and Omar's) and go for YJ and Suzanna's sleepover AND have ample time to prepare for driving test. But otherwise, I think I might just rot in boredom if I don't go out everyday.
Because for the past three days I've only gone out like part of the day, in the morning, and back in the afternoon, or in the evening and home the rest of the time. Worse still, because school started, I'm left alone - and I feel really really bored.
AND I keep hearing people talking about how college was, which sounds really interesting.......
Maybe I'll go back early, like after Mei Yin's birthday - I have like tonnes of things I'm supposed to do with Sharon anyway. =///
On a side note, it seems that the new juniors are quite interesting, can't wait to meet them!
4:53 PM
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Drove dad's car yesterday, the manual Honda. Quite fun la, dad says I have a good control of the clutch, which is miraculous in itself because his car's clutch is very deep inside and very hard to press. My legs hurt after like half an hour because my heel wasn't on the ground and I had to support the weight of my leg while controlling the pressure on the clutch. Dad initially didn't want me to drive his car because it had too much power, and every slight mistake with the clutch would cause the car to jerk and stall. Butttt he gave in finally.

Manual driving is funn.
Had SATAY yesterday... =DDD
And skyped with brother just to show him the peanut sauce drenched, juicy satay through the webcam. Think it's cool that we've gotten kinda close after we all went overseas. And he's totally having the time of his life la, with him being in London, the city where almost everything happens (in the EU I mean) and having student discounts left right centre.
He even bought me a DKNY bag costing RM300. =.=
He also said that London's academical approach is boring, which is understandable; since it's the very model all Commonwealth countries (A.K.A _us_) follow. But he didn't mind beause, I quote; "I'm too lazy to prepare before the lesson."
Okay, I totally would; too. But I wouldn't have forgone an entire country just because of laziness. =/////
And with his qualifications, he could totally have gone to many US unis with ease la. I suppose that LSE isn't bad in itself, being rather prestigious as well - so I can't really say anything.
World's Strictest Parents
At least, watch for the Brit accent!!!!
2:09 PM
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
10:39 PM
Had a nice lunch with the Sees today and talked over which uni I would want to go to.
Because apparently, US's educational system is less rigid, more interactive than the British ones. According to YJ, students actually prepare for the class beforehand and throughout the entire lesson, they discuss and debate the subject with the lecturer. Which sounds pretty fun, compared to the normal lecture system in which teachers drone and students groan. Provided they're even awake to do so. (which I completely resolve to be, the entire next year!)
Anyway, I really love the Sees because they always give good advice without it sounding of preachy or naggy; but just in an adult to adult sort of way. And they still take note of what we all do, eventhough they aren't in charge of us anymore.
Oh, going to Youth this week. Feel kinda nervous because I haven't really met the new DG leaders yet. As in, haven't met them since they were made DG leaders. Aside from the time where I saw them pray for the SPM takers, but that doesn't really count.

Feel really regretful that I couldn't meet up with Dev before she went back to England, with her trip with BeccaSee, Hazel and Joel Foong just because my parents had an appointment. >_<
By the way, communication is seriously the most important key to everything. Really really really. I thought that Shuk was like pissed at me for something because she didn't ask me to Singapore with her for new year's countdown. She thought I was pissed with her because she asked me to lend her my phone. In truth, she did ask me, many months ago such that I forgot! And I wasn't pissed at her at all, just that my message didn't get through when I sms-ed her.
6:35 PM
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Search for a second earth
I think it's funny how humans, having already destroyed(ing) one planet, is looking for another to inhabit. Because face it, humans are essentially parasites. We don't do much to contribute the environment, but we search for all ways to exploit every resource it possesses, destroying many other lives in the process.
Anyway, watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus today. It's very fantasy-ish; as in more so than any fantasy film I ever watched, which is pretty much a lot. It wasn't terrible, I guess - but the ending leaves much to be desired; and there doesn't seem to be much plot. I suppose the main saving grace is because the movie had two incredible people in it, JOHNNY DEPP and ANDREW GARFIELD.

If you're guy I guess you can stare at Lily Cole (the model) and her, I quote; "well proportioned boobs".

And oh, it's the last movie Heath Ledger's gonna star at, since he died in the middle of filming it - so I suppose that's a movie that should be watched. They made the Heath Ledger > Johnny Depp > Colin Farell > Jude Law actor switch seem very natural, so I really applaud the director.


Andrew Garfield here. =D
Jude Law is still the best though. (though I didn't notice it was him in the movie!!!!)

(Andrew Garfield in drag is pretty. Like serious.)
Two things that were never solved:
1. Symbols on head
2. Anklet on leg
10:13 PM
I wrote this really long post about JC/unis and I realised I can't say anything about anything at all because I haven't gotten my results and I probably won't qualify for the school I want to go to anyway so I deleted it.
10:25 AM
Monday, January 4, 2010
Mash up 2009
For all music lovers!
The mash up of the 25 pop hits of 2009!
(still starstruck by Jude Law's awesomeness)
1:19 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
11:38 PM
I have six piercings now!
The mild pain was totally worth it when I saw my parents' face when they saw it. They said that they felt their ears burning just looking at me. Of course, it must be noted that my mother herself has quite a number of piercings. >_>
Now, it seems, that they actually allow us to pay for single side piercings, something that I've been trying to get like forever. But since I was at my fourth, might as well make it a nice, even number.
I think its really annoying how I got my piercings when the holidays are almost ending; which means the one week healing time will extend into the time of which I need to go back to school. Hopefully, nobody will bother looking at my ears as I put on some really obscure earstuds people can't see unless they squint. Anyway, there's no chance I'll be on stage so I don't have to subject myself to public scrutiny.
And I can drive an auto smoothly now. Note, auto. So much so, I got so bored (my mum's auto can't go fast) and felt drowsy in less than half an hour. A manual gives more of a challenge, I think. You have to pay more attention to the driving; and I think there's just something really fun when you change your gear; like this smooth movement when you press onto the clutch, adjust your gear and slowly let go of the clutch. It's like a dance move or something, fluid and graceful - forgive my lousy similes.
I'm taking my driving exam on the 19th of Jan; which by then, I'll hopefully be back in KL. And have taken a few driving lessons prior to that. I refuse to face the complete and utter embarrassment of flunking practicals. I remember once 5S had this "Hall of Failures" board which recorded those who failed their practicals and the number of times. That was hilarious.
It's also a pain to register for another exam day, practise for a few days, pay an additional few hundred bucks and THEN take the exam again. And I always feel as if I do worse on retakes, as if there's this subtle pressure prodding at me; that I can't fail again. STRESS.
But hey, as of now; I'm totally laidback - relaxing and enjoying life.
(Of course, if you don't count the skin rash I'm developing recently from some sort of food I'm supposedly averse to of which I have NO IDEA whatsoever of it's identity.)
Oh btw, if you read fanfic, you should take note that the Economist actually highlighted a fanfic by ObsidianEmbrace, "Lily's Charm" of which is a SS/LE fic. I think it's kinda interesting, so checking it out. BUT, if you're squicky against Severus Snape, don't read it.
Also, starting Legacy of Ys in DS. Don't think I'll ever finish it - looks like a bloody long/epic one.
(I'm such a RPG freak >_<)
11:31 AM
Friday, January 1, 2010
(Huh, I'm 18 this year!) <--- w00t!
I'm so excited for 2010.
It marks like the first step towards actually growing up... at least, to me.
Because, I've been waiting for forever for college ever since I've read stuff from Sweet Valley when I was like 9.
Okay, so I doubt college's going to be anything like all the books with all the fraternities and sorority parties and activities and stuff; considering where I'm going is a JUNIOR COLLEGE of which is practically just an extension of secondary school. Since we have uniform and rules of all sorts and all. =///
It's still college, and regulations and stuff should slacken (they must!) and although A levels will probably be the toughest exam I will ever sit for in my entire life (says mum and dad), I should be optimistic towards the upcoming year!
And I finally decided I'll be doing halfies for A levels. (if MOE permits. ; _ ;) Like half Arts and Science; because according to parental opinion; it seems that it'd be impossible for me to switch to Science if I did Arts in A Levels, should I want to in future. Anyway, my Sciences aren't half bad, so I don't really mind - as long as I don't have to take Physics.
I'm still thinking of doing law but my dad kept telling me how he thinks that a lawyer's job sucks and that he has never met a lawyer happy with his job. Of course, he stressed; "in Malaysia." True, it's because of how unscrupulous and unethical Malaysian courts are and how they are so easily manipulated by money and political power. As such, most lawyers face pointless trials, everchanging "laws" and a history of corruption and self-destruction.
Thing is, I've never really wanted to work in Malaysia. Yes, I love KL and everyone in it - but to actually live here... not really. Still, it's aeons away, and something I really don't want to contemplate at present moment. (anyway, parents have been heavily hinting of several countries with good job prospects already)
Also, law is just a tentative choice, considering I know that lots of people are planning to dabble in it; and I really don't want to face so much competition in the job market. (lazy!)
Btw, did everyone know that Malaysia is one of the few countries that refuse 18 year olds voting rights? I didn't. I totally thought it was commonly practised around the world. (I know Singapore's 21 as well) But my dad said that it's because the government believes that adults of that age are still antiestablishment, and that would threaten their position; considering how youths make a huge percentage of the population.
I think my dad is a walking encyclopedia.
Serious, when I read that in WWI, during Christmas Eve, the English and the Germans actually stopped war momentarily and exchanged ciggarettes as christmas gifts and told him he was like "Yeah, I read an article about it," and started spouting off facts. =.=
I think it's totally time for me to a more responsible person.
I mean, it was kinda overboard for me to still play computer games during Os.
And I'm like ancient already, so I should start acting slightly more mature soon...
Oh, btw; I still find it amusing when someone tells me they've been stuck in a jam from 2009 to 2010. >_<
7:02 PM
1:16 AM
Okay, so for the first one hour I was bored out of my brains and felt like going home and was only prevented from going home because my parents wanted to see the fireworks when I met up with them later on.
So, my dad went back home to get a flysheet, some stuff to munch on and H20 as we sat by the lake. My mum trudged to jusco to get some snacks. I sat by the "hill" just staring at the lake quite peacefully until....
Bryan, Ravin, Keith, JieYang, Janssen and KamWhye joined me. (My mum was like "Why are your friends all guys?")
- One thing about the guys is that THEY ALWAYS MAKE ME FEEL AT HOME. Like to them, I never left. And secondly, they are MAJOR entertainment; I swear, I almost died laughing at/with Bryan.
Hung out with them for like half an hour before was joined by SueSan, CX and gang, then parted. Walked around aimlessly, got heels stuck in mud, screamed spontaneously at random intervals, sprayed fake snow and string at each other.
Watched the fireworks, screamed and played some more and went home.
Thus ends my super condensed version of Countdown 2010.
This group of guys randomly sprayed snow at me. WTH LAH, SUPER LOSERS.
But really, I dunno whether I know them or not, because I was too busy freaking out at the fact I got fake snow everywhere. And by everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE.
Well, I can always count on the fact that nothing's ever dull in KL.
Pix should be up on Facebook soon.
Oh, btw, I was thinking of quitting facebook in a while. It's kinda overcrowded, overrated and infested with little kiddies now. I'm hoping for a new social networking site soon. It'll probably pop up in a few months time, considering the same way how Friendster lost its popularity; though admittedly it was because weird strangers kept posting semi-porn stuff on my page.
1:15 AM